Sunday, December 19, 2021

Rockstar Xdurance Blue Raz Energy Drink Review

What is going on here; did we not just review Rockstar Xdurance Blue Raz last week? Gotta love their insistence on constant tinkering. Their ingredient list is a bit modified this time around, but is there any more caffeine? Nope. Fewer calories? Actually there are more here, ten to be exact, so we know this is not just a minor can revision. What gives? Where they unsatisfied with the drink? I know I was.

Blue raspberry (oh I am sorry; raz) is not an actual fruit, but in the world of energy drinks, it means one thing: sweet and sour. Rockstar Xdurance gets one of those two things done, an saccharinity that would make even the most overzealous sugar(free) supporters wince at is overload of artificial ingredients. The flavoring is an indistinct hodgepodge of miscellaneous fruitiness, mostly raspberry and blueberry but it moves across the tongue without motivation or direction of its own, lead by the diet carbohydrates into the excess abyss. Sucralose and ace-k, the diet sweeteners in charge today, are not on the top of their game, fumbling the experience without acidic backup; they simply cannot handle the supplements they are expected to conceal, a duo who screams for a more potent tartness to combat the potables', well, potentness. The big question is how this version of the previously reviewed cocktail compares, and the answer is simple: Rockstar, try again.

But that kick! For three hours and some change, you almost forget the unpalatable journey you took to get there. Aside from 300 milligrams of caffeine, there are electrolytes, amino acids, B vitamins, and others. In the end, Rockstar Xdurance Blue Raz's awesome buzz cannot wipe clean the bad taste it leaves behind.

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