Saturday, February 5, 2022

Starbucks Baya Pineapple Passionfruit Energy Drink Review

Starbucks latest non-coffee-inspired energy endeavor is Baya, which debuted in three flavors and honestly, calls to mind the company's previous "Refreshers" efforts. We fortunately have a lot more caffeine to work with, 160 here opposed to the fifty from their previous potations, but, I dunno, when I think about the word "Starbucks," I think about java, not fruity juice blends.

Baya nearly punches your teeth out from your gums on your first sip- its carbonation so strong and flavor so on the forefront that your "flight or fight" reflexes turn into "swallow or spit." We here at The Caffeine King are dedicated to thorough reporting, so I winced my eyes shut, gulped, and moved on to my next. The following imbibe is a lot calmer, where the ten percentage of juice, a mix of white grape and pineapple, barely make a dent in the experience. The effervescence remains potent to the point of distraction, shoving the produce out of the way as it rocks your palate. What is left are hollow impressions of pineapple and passionfruit, the nectar center lost in a sea of all those little bubbles. A toothsome sweetness, twenty two grams of total sugar, and a playful tartness are segregated from the tropical plants, elements that interact independently and fails to create a cohesive cocktail.

160 milligrams of caffeine is always a nice find in a twelve ounce energy drink. The buzz lasts about two and a half hours, and it is all from my namesake chemical- no other silly stimulants needed. Well, we have vitamin C, but my lawyers Itchy and Twitchy tell me the jury is still out on the potency power of the water-soluble nutrient. 

official site

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