Sunday, February 13, 2022

Ghost Citrus Energy Drink Review

Ghost is a great name for an energy drink, but its can is very average. Aside from the cute little illustration of its namesake, there is little in the way of visuals, and its kooky font only brings so much personality to the large sixteen ounces of real estate.

When the word "citrus" is written on your shrink-wrapped slab of aluminum, you do not immediately think of lime. Lemon, perhaps the two together, but Ghost dedicates every minute of its experience to the small green fruit. It hits your palate with absolutely no nuance or depth, a candy-inspired work that slaps your mouth with a good sense of movement, a bright acidity and a slight powdery mouthfeel. It is a classic, old-school flavor profile that calls to mind something like Sport Doo Drop or Rip It Lime Wreaker, only it is sugar free, and the product suffers thusly. I am not about to endorse potent potables with more than the daily recommended intake of carbohydrates, but the sucralose and ace-k used here need to reduce their involvement in every sip. Your tongue becomes so deeply sodden by the diet sweeteners that it becomes all you taste. A shame, considering it otherwise tastes better.

200 milligrams of caffeine makes for a pretty solid three hour kick. A lot of other supplements are involved, including vitamins, taurine, carnitine, and a lot of others. Overall, Ghost Citrus has a lot of good ideas, but its execution is only decent.

official site

1 comment:

  1. This flavor tasted good. I thought it tasted like Sprite.
