Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Bang Blue & Yellow Limoncello Energy Drink Review

The internet tells me that Bang's Blue & Yellow Limoncello is a Walmart exclusive. I am not sure about you, but my scrubby local Wally World is not someplace you want to partner with. In any event, the can is an attractive combination of its namesake colors, a real shot of energy in the arm of an otherwise static and sterile design.

Despite its name, today's Bang pours out crystal clear. The scent of citrus wafts out, a soft, gentle odor that fills my nose with hope of a tickling tartness. Upon further investigation, the first sip is a fascinating crash of everything going wrong at the same time. Vanilla is the dominating taste, going against what my nostrils believed, transporting a creamy avalanche of milky badness instead of lemony goodness. Critically absent, perhaps even more so than the missing fruit, is absolutely any acidity; instead imbibes are super sweet, synthetically so, for no discernable reason. What we end up with is sixteen ounces of lies, a totally drinkable product that disappoints by the vague promise of its name.

Buzz is Bang's bread and butter, and this time is no different. Lasting a solid three and a half ounces thanks to caffeine (300 milligrams), vitamins, supplements, supplements and more supplements. Overall, Blue & Yellow Limoncello's Walmart exclusivity should not have Target worried, or hell, even Kmart.

official site

1 comment:

  1. Bring this back to more Walmart/Meijer Stores in my opinion this is the BEST Bang ever!!!!
