Wednesday, March 9, 2022

True North Grapefruit Lemonade Energy Seltzer Review

True North energy seltzer hails from Michigan, so at least the name makes sense from a geological point of view. But as a potent potable? Less so. Its appearance, textured and twelve ounces, looks more like an alcoholic spritzer than anything caffeinated.

Upon cracking open the can, a wonderfully scent seeps out; an odor free of chemical influence and instead like something fresh from the farmer's market. The flavor is, well, it is a seltzer that is for sure, but it is impressive once we look at the facts. Most important is how there are no sweeteners, diet or otherwise; all the supplements inside are kept in-check, never sullying sips with its herbal funk. Perhaps any nasty aftertaste is lost in the sea of harsh bubbles that cascade onto the tongue, beating and bruising your palate as it makes its way down the hatch. You know, like any seltzer. As for flavor, well it is allegedly grapefruit lemonade, but anyone who frequents such soda substitutes should be instantly familiar with its overall mildness. The only way to properly describe it is containing the essence of the fruits, both present but combined with the aforesaid terse effervescence and the experience's aquatic torrent, your tastebuds have little to actually work with. The nectars bring some welcome acidity but little else, like, well, you know, a seltzer.

With 125 milligrams of caffeine, the buzz here is just OK. Considering the flavor was generally genial, I am OK with it being so OK. Other ingredients include guarana, B vitamins, and ginseng. On the whole, True North Grapefruit Lemonade should be just fine for those waiting for LaCroix energy.

official site

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