Saturday, May 28, 2022

Meltdown Frosé Rosé Energy Drink Review

From the makers of Bang comes Meltdown, an energy drink with an equally awesome name but pathetically lethargic look. How can I get excited about an entirely white can loaded with far too much text. There is hardly an explanation what the difference between the two brands, except for the obviously smaller can. Maybe it has to do with ingredients, but how many times do I need to say it: caffeine, nothing else, is what really gives us the kick. Not only that, but if your product needs all those words to explain what makes it unique, then you are really grasping at straws.

Frosé Rosé is a creative flavor proposition, but Meltdown has very little to do with its purported alcoholic inspiration. Sips are sour like a kid's candy, though this is very much not for younglings, the distant taste of blue raspberry is about the only thing that breaks through the insistent tartness. Sucralose is the only sweeter on the clock, present purely to prevent gulps from resembling battery acid. There is so little else going on here, an experience most certainly drinkable, but lacking any, any personality.

225 milligrams of caffeine, vitamins, electrolytes and D-ketones make up the energy blend. To be fair, the buzz is solid, lasting three hours for me and could easily last just as long for you. Overall, Meltdown Frosé Rosé will not, ahem, meltdown the competition.

company site

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