Friday, May 20, 2022

Rockstar Unplugged Passion Fruit Energy Drink Review

Rockstar Unplugged makes zero sense to me; the company has already manufactured passion fruit products previously, so what does this new drink have to offer? A smaller can? So what! The biggest point of personality is probably containing hemp seed this time around; wow man, heavy.

Pouring out an unappealing gold color, the purples and whites of the can no where to be found inside. It is not terribly great to be honest, passion fruit is on the forefront of the flavor sure, but the hemp seed oil does not play nice with anything. The texture is slippery, and each imbibe has this herbal funk that forces itself over other elements. Sourness, for example, dies within moments of the aurous elixir hitting your palate, disrespecting the produce it allegedly impersonates. By the time you swallow your pride and your current mouthful, the herbaceous suspicion just does not leave well enough behind. Your palate is now stained of the rather nasty aftertaste, and no amount of subsequent gulps can relief your poor tongue. Sucralose and ace-k are in charge of sweetness, and if I were to give the experience any positives, it would be the absence of any artificial aftertaste. Of course there is an aftertaste, but hey, at least it ain't the diet sugars' fault.

Eighty milligrams of caffeine is all we have to work with, and any kick is lacking in the potency department. With a kick lasting two hours or less, Rockstar Unplugged Passion Fruit fails at being anything more than a mediocre option in your local energy drink chill-chest.

official site

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