Monday, June 13, 2022

Mtn Dew Thrashed Apple Soda Review

Mtn Dew Thrashed Apple is exclusive to the Kroger family of grocery stores. Mine did not sell twenty ounce bottles, which meant I had to spend over seven bucks for a twelve pack of twelve ounce cans. Oh, well, maybe one day I will get paid for the words I type.

The can itself is wild, like any other recent Mtn Dew, but it sells its apple origins with its nearly all green appearance. I like it.

Despite having zero nectar, the flavor achieves a level of verisimilitude uncharacteristic of the company. It is ungodly sweet sure, featuring forty three grams of high fructose corn syrup, but there is a fresh taste to each sip, a burst of acid that feels like it came bursting out of the flesh of the emerald skinned fruit instead of by a person in a lab coat playing with beakers and other things I stereotypically associate with flavor scientists. It is one note and demonstrates an absolutely no depth, taking the famous granny smith variety profile and liquifying its essence, but it commits to that like a marriage. The front of the design reads "DEW charged with crisp apple," but do not let that fool you; my palate observed that the usual brand flavor was never present. This is apple through and through, for better or worse.

Remember kids, this is a soda, not an energy drink, so the fifty five milligrams of caffeine is not design to give you much of a boost- really the sugar rush is what my body felt most. In the end, Mtn Dew Thrashed Apple is what it claims to be: an apple soft drink.

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