Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Cintron Classic Energy Drink Review

Is this the same Cintron brand I found all those years ago? My internet sleuthing has not really come up with anything solid, but then again, why should I even try? Both were found at discount stores, so clearly nobody else cares. The can today is petite and clean, but it lacks any a punchy design, sitting on a shelf, my cart, my fridge then finally my desk, all without getting so much as a second look.

Anyone who has ever had an energy drink knows what "classic" means in terms of taste, and Cintron is just that: a Red Bull clone. But it is not a bad Red Bull clone! The familiar flavor of bubble gum, apple and vanilla all appear as one would expect, paced like any other potent potable but also with nuance. The trilogy do not step on their neighbor's toes, giving clarity to an otherwise static experience. We have sugar but also "burnt sugar," but its presence on the tongue does little to really provide a caramel perspective to the sweetness. Sucralose is also involved, but each mouthful is weighted as if synthetic honeys were not listed in the ingredients. But it is that word "sparkling" which is probably the most misleading- the texture is smooth and involving, not caustic or oppressive. Overall, Cintron is not at all original, but it sure is tasty.

There is just seventy five milligrams of caffeine: yeah I mean, it is an eight ounce drink. But the buzz did not have to be so mild, lasting an hour if I happened to be in a very generous mood. Other supplements include taurine, B vitamins, and inositol. To end, Cintron Classic dusts up some archaic concepts and executes them well, but then again, so what?

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