Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Red Bull The Winter Edition Fig Apple Energy Drink Review

A new Red Bull is an event in the realm of energy drinks: their Winter and Summer editions giving fans two new flavors a year to look forward to. This year's solstice season variety is a first here on The Caffeine King, Fig Apple, but its frosty green can barely stood out at the local store. It did not help that it was positioned next an ice cream endcap, but I digress.

Now I low figs, my preference being the dried type, but Red Bull is unable to achieve the fruit's delicate deliciousness. But it is not bad! Apple is the star but it is a rare example of the autumn harvest actually resembling something found in nature. Sweetness is sedated, thirty eight grams of the carbohydrate is a lot to be sure, but earthy undertones bring an edge of realism to every mouthful. So does the sourness, which is equally understated, but it is balanced with the somber saccharinity; this is probably the most realistic depiction of granny smith apple I have ever tasted in an energy drink. But the fig, where is the fig!? That would have sent the experience over the edge of greatness, but as it stands, it is merely good.

If there is one thing the brand fails to understand is buzz, with a paltry 114 milligrams of caffeine really not doing too much for me anymore. Sure, it is enough to satisfy my morning need for the chemical, but so what? The competition runs laps over this and its antiquated blend of taurine and B vitamins.

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