Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Frappio Light Latte Energy Coffee

My experience with Frappio has not been a good one. Frappio original was mediocre coffee energy drink, so, I don't have high hopes for their light version. I got the lite version along side the original at Big Lots, and just never go around to reviewing it. Today I was just etching for coffee energy drink, and since it was a snow day today, I couldn't go out and get one, so Frappio Lite was all I had. Rather depressing really...

FIRST IMPRESSION: While I liked the can design for the original Frappio, Frappio Lite isn't as good. Its got some light blue in a mix of brown, which doesn't go well together. Once again the can claims to calm hunger, give you a mega buzz, and make you focus better. But the original did none of this, so I won't put money on it providing a mega buzz, improve focus or calm hunger. And, as the picture to the right says, no sugar added. That's just great, so fine and dandy. Sugar doesn't give people energy. Why would I even think of it being in an energy product? Overall, a crappy can and no high expectations...2.6/5

TASTE: Once again, the can has more foams than an unfunny video from AFV involving kids and a lot of bubbles in a bath. The smell is the same as Frappio original, coffee then a supreme pizza. Why does that happen? Why didn't they, during the development of the drink, stop and say "Sheesh, it smells like a supreme pizza" and do something about it? The flavour is best described best milk flavored coffee. The taste is, surprisingly, very similar to the original Frappio, which I guess isn't good. Despite the original Frappio having thirty eight(38) grams of sugar, Frappio Lite has only eight(8) grams, its a wonder how they got such a good fake sugar. If only more sugar free energy drinks had no artificial sweetener taste. Though it tasted just like the sugared counterpart, it still is a mediocre excuse for an energy coffee...2.9/5

KICK: Each can contains: coffee, milk, erythritol, carrageenan, pectin, caffeine, sucralose, and ashwagandha. Its not all that powerful, especially when its compared to Java Monster, any flavour. The kick is similar to well, coffee. And not the ever famous "bottom of the pot sitting plugged in all day", just plain old coffee. I get rather mad when companies say that their drink gives you hours of power, when it really lacks in ingredients. It really pisses me off that they do that. But then again, maybe I'm the idiot for always buying them. Either way, it pisses me off. Whether its that energy drink companies lie, or the fact that I'm an idiot...2.4/5

FINAL WORD: All and all, Frappio Light Energy Coffee is a mediocre, almost pathetic excuse for a coffee energy drink. The original Frappio was just a complete mess, and so is the lite version. Why is it that companies feel the need to make a sugar free version. Its not like they're as popular. And usually, they tarnish the brands image. For example, Vault is, in my opinion, a great drink, while their sugar free version, Vault Zero, is a complete catastrophe. Like, what if Fresca came out with a sugared version. It wouldn't sell as well. Companies should never make a sugar free version, especially if they know it sucks...2.5/5

official site

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