Friday, January 9, 2009

No Fear Energy Drink

One of the many energy drinks I got for Christmas is a four(4) pack of of No Fear. Now, many of you probably already know(If you are "in" to energy drinks) that No Fear used to be Sobe No Fear, which had a totally different can(and its arguably better looking). I can't find a 100% true answer to this question that's so old that it would in trouble for dating teenagers(so I'm guessing 20+ or some age around that general number), but I according to Wikipedia, "No Fear energy drinks under the same brand, in a joint venture with Pepsi. " That sounds so interesting in all, but I think my A.D.D is kicking in. And for all you who don't know what A.D.D stands for, I'll tell you, attention deficit-Hey look, a butter fly...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can, while being badass(though, not as badass as Black Mamba Venom Energy, and I don't think anything ever will), is still good for caring around school, you know, to show how cool you are. The can is just a skull with wings, and a logo on a black back round. That's pretty much it. While I haven't seen all too many energy drinks with skulls, I guess this is how not to make one. Its too bare. One thing that bugs me, is the "super energy" written on the bottom. If its "super", why does the skull have wings, wouldn't it just fly with its super powers? Since there's no indication of the flavour, I'm guessing its a FreeFall clones, though, I have been mistaken in the past...3/5

TASTE: To my surprise, when I opened the can, I was greeted(Hello) by the potent scent of fermented apples. The taste is something best described as a sour grapefruit and a sour Granny Smith apple's love child. While this sour feel lingers in your mouth for a while, the flavour is rather short. I have to say I really enjoy the flavour of No Fear. Its a nice break from the hundreds of Red Bull clones out there...4.2

KICK: Each can contains: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, taurine, grape juice concentrate, natural flavor, caramel color, ginseng root extract, flour, and guarana seed extract. This gave me a pretty good buzz, which is easily comparable to the kick I got from Tasmanian Force. A while ago, in September, I had No Fear Motherload. And the reason its called "Motherload" is because of the "Motherload" of vitamins in it. And in the Motherload review, I mocked the whole "lots of vitamins" idea, but if I compare the kick I got from Motherlaod to original No Fear, it seems that the vitamins DID provide an extra bump. Weird, I'm usually always, 100% right. Lets just keep this between me and the millions of people who can access this blog for free across the world at the same time...4/5

FINAL WERD: Over all, I feel that No Fear isn't just the average energy drink, made quickly to make a quick buck, but a well thought out drink by the nice people over at Sobe(I believe)...3.9

Picture Source

official site


  1. Yeah, the old "Sobe No Fear" can is much cooler then the new "No Fear" can.:P

  2. I've been searching eveywhere how can I get a can is the US

  3. They badly need to bring this back.

  4. They badly need to bring this back. One of the better-tasting energy drinks.
