Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ah, Push It - p-push it real good

So far, this week has been really good. Despite having a cold(you just can't have it all), I got a twelve pack of GURU energy drink for free(I'll review them soon), and at the Dollar Tree, I found an energy drink I've never seen or heard of before, Push It. Push It is made by RNR Beverage Co. and according to the BevBoard, several other people have seen this drink, but no reviews have been found. So, for a first time, I'm reviewing an energy drink nobodies ever reviewed before(I think)...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Push It reminds me a lot of ...lost. They both have a circle in the middle of the can, swirls, and big hands. Overall, other than the fact that its sugar free, I'm really excited to try Push It. The can is just crazy, and that is what energy drinks should make you, crazy. There is no flavour indication, so a Red Bull clone wouldn't be unexpected. But for some reason, I'm feeling that a punch flavour is what this awesome can holds inside. Well, I'm never gonna find out the flavour by just sitting here, so I ripped open the can and took a swig, but what did I find...4/5

TASTE: Once the liquid was in my mouth, I let it linger for a while. The taste is best described as a Red Bull clone with more of a mix of ginger ale, and vanilla, with no gumminess and is rather tart. Its very similar to Ace Lo-Cal, but with out the artificial sweetener taste. And because of the lack of artificial sweetener taste, Push It is arguably better. Push It kinda threw me off guard by being a Red Bull clone. I was sure that it was gonna be a punch flavour similar to WYD or Throwdown Sugar Free. Though I'm rather disappointing, the flavour is really surprising good, despite not being unique. I'd say that Push It is one of the best lo-cal clones, even beating out Ace Lo-Cal...3.5/5

KICK: Each can contains:1000mg of Taurine, 100mg of Inositol, ninety(90) mg of Caffeine, ten(10) mg of Guarana, 100% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, B12, B2 and 100% of your daily intake of Folic Acid. The energy ingredients are pretty standard, but even the standard provides a good kick. After drinking the whole can, immediately, my heart began to race and my muscles started flickering. This is not a "healthy buzz" like what we found in Xenergy Big Apple, but a down and dirty, chemical induced, kidney destroying buzz. This is the buzz that Stacker 2 Xtra Energy Shot should of been...4.4/5

FINAL WORD: I'd have to say that my experience with Push It was both an impressive, and disappointing one. On the plus(+) side, the can is awesome, the taste was exceptional considering it was a Red Bull clone, and the kick was above average. But on the negative(-) side, the taste was uninspired, and that's one of the major flaws with most energy drinks now a days. I really wish somebody would let me design my own energy drink. But what are the chances that a big, multi-billion dollar making beverage company would let some unknown energy drink reviewer design their an energy drink? 1/10000000000000000 maybe? Yeah, I think that's right. My D- in math is telling me that decimal is correct...3.7/5

official site

1 comment:

  1. Sweet site. I just tried this drink today (still drinking it now). I have to say it's not bad for $1. They rip people off with those $3 ones, so it's a refreshing change for someone on a budget.
