Monday, January 26, 2009

GURU Full On Lemonade

When I first started drinking and reviewing energy drinks, an energy drink called Coolah stuck out from the rest. Coolah was a pure lemon tasting energy drink, based of the popular Australian lemon soft drink Solo. I drank that stuff like there was no end. But then, slowly, Coolah stopped appearing on store shelf's, leaving us Coolah junkies out of luck, and on a constant search for the closest thing to Coolah we could find. But one(1) day GURU Energy sent me several energy drinks, and lo-and behold, one(1) of the varieties was Lemonade. Can it be the one true replacement for us Coolah lovers? Lets find out...

FIRST IMPRESSION: I have to say, I really like the can of GURU Lemonade. The blue works magic with the green/yellow rim at the top. While the design is the same as the other GURU's, I feel that this is the best out of the ones(1) I've tried. The can almost reminds me of something that would be found in an art deco lounge/coffee shop. Like the other GURU's, Lemonade is USDA Organic and all natural. This is either a plus(+) or a minus(-), depending on your diet, religion, or taste. But for me, its a plus(+)...4.6/5

TASTE: I opened the can as was greeted by a faint smell, identical to Who's Your Daddy Green Tea Citrus. To my disappointment and surprise meant, GURU Lemonade taste's nothing like Coolah, but that doesn't mean its not one of the better tasting citrus drink out there. The lemonade flavour is never overbearing, is rather tart and not very sweet. As the ice cold drink ran down my throat, I noticed a very pulp-y taste, which really adds to the drink its imitating. Overall, I find that GURU Lemonade is a very good tasting drink, doing a very great job at creating a real lemonade experience...4.4/5

KICK: Each can contains: purified water, cane juice concentrate, ninety seven(97) mg of caffeine, salt, natural flavouring, and ginseng. This mix of ingredients gave me a very powerful and healthy buzz. The kicks similar to that of Xenergy Line. After about thirty minutes or so, I started to feel less and less tired and more "there." This feeling lasted about four(4) hours+ 'til my mind couldn't even figure out the simplest of mind fucks...4/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that GURU Lemonade is a great lemonade energy drink, and a great extension to the GURU line. While I'll still have to continue on my search for the perfect Coolah replacement, but I'm still impressed with this drink. There is only original and Tangerine GURU's left to review... I feel so sad. Its like a saga is coming to an end. But that doesn't mean GURU can't send me more free drinks(hint hint)...4.4/5

official site

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