Thursday, January 29, 2009

SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate

One of the few energy drinks I have left from Christmas is SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate. To be honest, SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate wasn't on my list of energy drinks to review. I have a history with this drink that dates back to 2006. I bought this drink at Wal*Mart and drank it on the way to the Rochester Flea Market(you know, doing some last minute Christmas shopping), and to be perfectly honest, all I remember is how much I despised this drink. But after three(3) or so years of completely avoiding this drink, it found me. And I have no choice, but to review, SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate...

FIRST IMPRESSION: Personally, I preferred the original can over this can. While the original can was rather bland and un-exciting, at least it contained some blue. The flavour is "berry pomegranate", so shouldn't the can be "blue?" This is the same problem I had with Full Speed Berry. And upon further inspection, I notice that the drink only contains seven(7) % juice(but it is very low in sodium), and is only quote un-quote, "flavored berry pomegranate." And another thing on the negative side, they spelled "flavor" wrong, its "flavour"...2/5

TASTE: I cracked the top off and inhaled a big whiff. And out of nowhere, a faint, but still noticeable, Steven Seagals Scent hits my nose, but its not as strong as some, and has some fruit hints in it. I've gotta say, I'm really shocked. Another SoBe product with the Steven Seagals Scent. But I grew some balls and took a sip. The first thing I notice is this fake berry taste engulfs your mouth, leaving a weird sweet coating. As you swallow the drink, more of the pomegranate flavour kicks in, with some mild tartness and lower sweetness than the initial flavour. Overall, I find SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate to have a decent taste. I've had better tasting juice-like drinks before, so overall, the drink disappoints, despite me not having high expectations...3/5

KICK: Each can contains only: 96mg of caffeine, 100mg of Yeba Mate, 50mg of Guarana, and 50mg of Ginseng... per can. Not per serving, per can. What the hells with the extreme lack of ingredients? Amp had more ingredient mg than this... And because of the sever lack of ingredients, the kick I received from SoBe Essential Juice+Energy Berry Pomegranate was under impressive, but not necessarily the worst. Though the lack of caffeine really grinds my gears, its made up to, some extent, by 200% of Vit. B6, B12, and C. Overall, a real step back from No Fear, in terms of kick...2.8/5

FINAL WERD: Though my initial reaction to SoBe Berry Juice was that it was down right disgusting, but after about three(3) years, I've come to find out that SoBe Berry Juice is just, okay. There's nothing that this drink does better than another drink, but there are several other energy drinks that do worse than SoBe Berry Juice. I really was hoping that this was gonna be better but nooo, it had to be "just average". You know, I get real sick of drinks like this. Why don't energy drink companies try harder? There are hundreds of companies releasing energy drinks, many of them suck. So, that's why I predict that there will be a "Great Energy Drink Crash" sooner or later. There will be so many energy drinks out there, that "smart drinks"
will come up with some real clever slogan like "why buy your kids energy drinks, when you can buy smart drinks and prepare them for college?, and steal the market. Then energy drinks would flood stores like Big Lots and the Dollar Tree, and would sell for dirt cheap and... wait a minute, dirt cheap energy drinks, maybe the "Great Energy Drink Crash" wouldn't be so bad after all...2.8/5

official site

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