Saturday, January 24, 2009

Starbucks doubleshot Vanilla Energy+Coffee

All the energy coffee's I've had have been a mixed bag. On one(1) hand, most of the Java Monsters have been great, but on the other hand, the Frappio line was a huge disappointment and has major room for improvement. So I don't know what to expect from the rest of the Starbucks line. Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee was a unique flavour, but was kept from a higher score because of its lower than expected kick. But how will the next Starbucks that I'm trying, Starbucks doubleshot Vanilla Energy+Coffee, turn out?

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can looks average. While the light colour of the can tells you its gonna be a vanilla flavour of some sort, it just does nothing else. I'm rater excited to try this. Not only is vanilla flavoured coffee my favourite type of coffee(let the flame wars begin), but a local energy guru recommended this to me. I have high hopes for Starbucks doubleshot Vanilla Energy+Coffee. Is this just because Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee set the standers too high, or am I sucking up to Starbucks for giving me this for free? The world may never know...2.9

TASTE: I opened the can and took a whiff. To my surprise meant, there was little to no smell. Rather disappointed me, because I love the scent of coffee. I took a sip and let it sit in my mouth. The initial flavour is very similar to Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee, but with no spice at the end and more of a sweet vanilla taste. I am rather pleased with the taste of Starbucks doubleshot Vanilla Energy+Coffee. There's a light coffee taste that builds up the more you drink it. There is a milky after taste that while never overwhelming, isn't as pleasing as the initial flavour. Overall, I find that Starbucks Vanilla fell below my expectations. Though the flavour isn't as good as Dulce, its certainly better than Frappio or Java Monster Russian...3.5/5

KICK: Each can contains: Water, Coffee, Reduced Fat Milk, Sugar, Taurine, Panax Ginseng Root, Guarana (Paulinina cupana) Seed Extract, Riboflavin, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D3. This rather un-potent blend of ingredients gave me a three(3) hour buzz. The kick was identical to that of Cinnamon Dulce. I did feel some minor jitters and twitches, but nothing out of the ordinary. Overall, a decent kick, but its not gonna wow any energy guru...3.9/5

FINAL WORD: All and all, I find that Starbucks doubleshot Vanilla Energy+Coffee is a mixed bag. While the flavour was acceptable, and the kick was decent, and I've seen worse cans, it just lacked the "wow" factor. I really had high hopes for Starbucks Vanilla, but it just fell short into the category of "average". Who knows, maybe it's Starbucks, or maybe it's just me? Yeah... its probably just me...3.5/5

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