Saturday, February 21, 2009

80 Hour NRG Spray

Along with Mad Croc, I also got 80 Hour NRG Spray at Circuit City. As many might know, 80 Hour NRG Spray is seen quite frequently at Wal*Mart and on TV, but at $2.99 to $3.99 per bottle, I never grew the balls to buy one(1), but when an energy drink, energy gum, and 80 Hour NRG Spray came to only $5+, I couldn't refuse. At first(1st), I didn't have high hopes for 80 Hour, because nothing can really keep you up for eighty(80) hours, but once I read the bottle, I noticed that it has twenty(20) doses= eighty(80) hours. 80 Hour NRG Spray really is false advertising, but at the same time, truthful. Either way, I highly doubt that it'll work...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The bottle is decent, though there is way too much stuff going on towards the bottom. All that fine print could really throw consumers off by thinking its dangerous. But to any energy guru, fine print must mean its potent. Another thing that really helps this product get sold to energy gurus is the "80 Hour Energy" part. Many energy gurus only wish that there was a product that could keep them up for days, but, will 80 Hour NRG really keep me up for 80 hours? Lets find out...3.8/5

TASTE: I ripped off the top and sprayed the whole bottle in my mouth. The taste is best described as tart cherry, with the stinging sensation of Cherry NyQuil. Its really a putrid taste that makes it very hard to drink with out nausea...1/5

KICK: Each bottle contains: 4780mg of the kickers proprietary energy blend, 10000% of my daily Niacin, and 33320% of my daily intake of Vitamin B12. This is not per spray, or per dose, this is per bottle, and I just consumed the whole god darn thing. At first(1st), I felt nothing, I thought it was a rip off. But after thirteen(13) minutes or so, my hands felt slightly numb, my stomach felt, different, and I felt very alert. These feelings only grew with time, so I drank as much water as I could, trying to dilute the spray as much as I could. Suddenly, my face felt flushed and numb, scared, I tried to cool it down as fast as I could, putting cool water on it, and when that didn't work, ran out side and showed my head in the snow. Overall, a dumb move by me...4.9/5

FINAL WORD: Am I just dumb? I mean, thinking that drinking something called 80 Hour NRG Spray in one(1) sitting was gonna do nothing? Wow I'm numb in the brain. No I'm serious, my brain felt numb after drinking this. But you can't blame me, Hammer(the makers of 80 Hour NRG Spray) made the bottle screw apart, like they expected people to do this. Either way, at least my heart didn't give ou...4/5

official site


  1. I drank the whole thing too. VERY STUPID IDEA.
    I ended up in the hospital for a few hours. After about 1 minute after drinking it, my face felt tingly, my body became RED, I was shaking, and my heart was beating way to fast. 3 hours after I took it, I threw up a couple of times and 5 hours after I drank it, I ended up in the ER for 7 hours.

    Im warning people...DO NOT BUY THIS

  2. Don't be a fuckhead and drink the whole bottle.

    Buy it, and use it as directed. It works GREAT for energy, with little to no crash.

  3. The spray taste pretty bad. The 'kick' is alright...but id be terrified to take the whole thing. However, after the 'kick' was over, I had BAD side effects. I took the normal dosage and I got hives, itching, and a headache which lasted for 2 days straight.
    I do drink caffeine and I'm not a newbie to it...but this shit is just too much. Totally not worth it.

  4. I am a long-time user of the spray.. i take max five sprays as directed.. works great! all my co-workers are now avid users as well..

  5. FYI, the reason your face became tingly and your body became red is due to the enormous amount of niacin that you ingested. Most people will have a reaction to niacin at some level. Some people that is slightly over the 100% dosage mark, others more. But I would think anyone would have that reaction in the 1000% range!

  6. I would surmise that the company had a drawn-out regimen in mind when they made this. I don't think they meant for anyone to slam it.
