Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GURU Sports Lemon-Lime

Earlier this month, I claimed to have finished the GURU line, but recently when I was at Big Lots, to my surprise, they were selling sixteen oz. GURU Lemon-Lime, Honey Lemon Green Tea, and Tangerine for $.60. I was shocked. I had no idea that there was a GURU Lemon-Lime. I knew that they were originally in sixteen oz. cans, but I though that they ported all there sixteen oz. flavours to there newer twelve oz. flavours. Now, assuming that sixteen oz. Honey Lemon Green Tea and Tangerine are the same as there twelve oz. counterpart, I'm only gonna review GURU Lemon-Lime.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can's eerily similar to GURU Lemonade's can. No seriously, its a carbon copy Lemonade's can. But, I really liked Lemonade's can, so no real complaints. One thing I notice is that its part energy drink, part sports drink, similar to Hansen's Energade. Well, lets hope it was better than Energade...4.6/5

TASTE: After a vigorous shake, I opened the can and was greeted by the smell of GURU Lemonade. I really hope its not the same thing as Lemonade. For the better, I found the taste to be different from that of Lemonade. The taste is best described as weak lemon upfront, that quickly turns into a pleasant lime flavour. Its similar to GURU Lemonade, but with a much less tart and pulp-y. Its not very sweet or syrup-y, something that plagues most of today's sports drinks. Overall, a good tasting energy sports drink hybrid from GURU...3.9/5

KICK: Each can contains: 170 calories, 42 grams sugar, cane juice concentrate, guarana, potassium, Echinacea flower extract, panax ginseng, gingko biloba, and 160mg of caffeine. At first glance, you think this is just another standard energy mix using the same energy ingredients(except for Echinacea flower extract, that's something I haven't seen too often), but after drinking the whole can, I felt much more alive, more aware of my surroundings. More like getting a good nights sleep instead of an energy drink...4/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm happy that I found this at Big Lots, though its probably past its expiration date. Its a complete deal, everything from the can to the kick is great, a rare feat today. Overall, the whole line of GURU drinks have been a unique and fun experience, and they really take their time when designing their drinks...4/5

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