Friday, February 20, 2009

Archer Farms Pomegranate Blueberry

The very last energy drink I still have left from Christmas is Archer Farms Pomegranate Blueberry, and to be perfectly honest, I'm not too excited about reviewing it. I have already reviewed Archer Farms Tropical, and Sugar Free Grapefruit, but the Tropical review got deleted, so I'm gonna be trying my best to find the review and put it back up...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can, how do I say, is just down right ugly. Its a mix of light purple and dull pink, which don't go hand and hand together. Now, I know that they were going the "simple yet elegant" look that Ole' and the GURU line were praised for, but it doesn't quite work here. One(1) thing that bothers me is that under the "pomegranate blueberry" text, it says "naturally flavoured pear drink." Wait, if it just said it was pomegranate blueberry, why would it then go on to say that its a pear drink? I don't know, all I know is that it annoys me...1.9/5

TASTE: I opened the can up and was unkindly greeted by a Trix Yogurt smell, like the one(1) found in Sports Energy Tropical. The taste is best described as a blueberry yogurt with a mild tart finish in sparkling water. The pomegranate meshes more towards the end of the flavour, adding some complexity. Its barely sweet, which doesn't hurt the flavour. Overall, I'm tastefully stunned about how good this drink actually is. It goes down rather smooth, but not too smooth that your like "shit its gone"...4/5

KICK: Each can contains: 100% of your daily intake of Vit. C, fifteen(15)% of your daily intake of Vit. B2, B12, B6, B3, twenty(20)% of your daily intake of Calcium, and ten(10)$ of your daily intake of Magnesium and Zinc. This mix of ingredients gave me a little above average buzz, accompanied with some minor jitters and twitches. Nothing spectacular, but not the worst out there...3/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm rather impressed with what Target is doing with their energy drinks. None of them have been Red Bull clones, all have more "healthy" than other energy drinks out there, but, none of them have been as well rounded as I would have liked. The can and kick have been pretty standard or worse, relying on only the taste to pass...3/5

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