Friday, March 13, 2009

Euphoric Energy Lemon-Lime

Sprite, 7-Up(as I prefer), and Sierra Mist have all dominated the lemon lime soda market for years, and you'd think when the energy drink craze took over that a lemon-lime energy drink would be released soon after, but sadly, there aren't many lemon-lime energy drinks. The only lemon-lime energy drinks I've ever had/reviewed are GURU Lemon-Lime and Xenergy Clear Citrus, both of which were impressive, but the thing is that Xenergy was sugar free, but carbonated, and GURU was sugared, but non carbonated, so I have never really had a lemon-lime energy drink that's both carbonated and sugared. Because of this, I hope that Euphoric Energy Lemon-Lime won't screw up such a simple, yet underused flavour...

FIRST IMPRESSION: As you can see, I still have the Big Lots sticker on it. Must of forgot to remove it before I took the picture. I like the can. Its got this science fiction look to it, with the weird name and background, but I feel that the weird "e" like shape is out of place, reminding me more of a circus than science. I feel that the can's rather attractive, appealing to the science fiction nerd in all of us...3.9/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour's best described as mild lemon upfront, which soon fades into more of a lime flavour. The only after taste I found was a faint lemon flavour, which is probably the best aftertaste you can have. Its got some mild tartness and is not very sweet, working very well with the flavour. It goes down very smooth, almost like a soda. Overall, the flavours very good, reminding me of Sprite, but not so much 7-Up or Sierra Mist...4/5

KICK: After downing the entire can, I sat and waited for the kick to kick in. Within twenty or so minutes I began to feel more alert, and had more energy. I didn't feel like I could run a marathon, but I do feel like I had enough energy to drive to the marathon. This feeling lasted around three hours or so. Overall, the kick was pretty standard as far as energy drinks go. I feel that the kick was unimpressive because each can only contains 1200mg of Taurine, 140mg of caffeine, 50mg of Ginseng, 80mg of Damiana, 60mg of Maca Root Extract, and 100mg Suma Root Extract...3/5

FINAL WORD: All in all, I feel that Euphoric Energy Lemon-Lime wasn't just another rushed energy drink, but instead an energy drink that had some serious time spent on it. While the drink does have its high lights, its unique can and soda-like taste, the kick just doesn't do it justice. Overall, Euphoric Lemon-Lime has some legs, but sadly it never really runs. I will praise them for adding some interesting ingredients to the long list of kidney destroying chemicals I've consumed over the years, and for giving a worthy flavour justice as an energy drink...3.6/5

official site

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