Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stoked Wild Chill

The other day I reviewed Stoked After Burn, and to my surprisement, it was one of the most impressive energy drinks I've ever had, so when I had the chance to review another Stoked, this time Stoked Wild Chill, I jumped right to it. The Stoked line of energy drinks has been really impressive, though it may be too early to say that...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can uses the same design that After Burn used, but with some mild changes. First, the dragon's spitting a cold breeze instead of fire, and second, the flames in the background are now icicles. Usually, I despise it when energy drinks from the same line use the same core design, but since the can's still kick ass, I don't despise it. Actually, I really like the can. It fits the name "Wind Chill" very well, though, knowing what "Wind Chill" really means is hard. I'm guessing some kind of blue raspberry flavour, like the one found in amp Elevate, though maybe less amp flavour and with some more berry flavour...4.5/5

TASTE: Upon opening the can, I noticed a much lighter scent than what I expected. Much like Sprite or 7-Up, and maybe with some ginger ale hints. The flavour's best described as lemon-lime upfront, which lingers in your mouth for a while, letting the lime take control towards the end, and then a minty sensation hits the back of your throat, like you just had a tame mint. I really enjoy the flavour, and taste's similar to Full Throttle, only more developed and better tasting...4.8/5

KICK: Each can contains: 160mg of caffeine, 2000mg of Taurine, 400mg of Ginseng, 100mg of inositol, 10mg of Guarana, 1200mg of Glucuronolactone, 500% of Vit. B6, 160% of Vit. B12, and 180% of Riboflavin. This blend gave me pretty impressive buzz. I felt nervous, jumpy, alert, and chilly(chilly, Wind Chill... get it?). It was a sustained buzz, lasting around four hours or so...4/5

Overall, I feel that Stoked Wind Chill is a great energy drink. Everything about its really great, something that can't be said about most energy drinks now a days. Another thing that's hard to say about most, scratch that, nearly all U.S. energy drinks is that Stoked doesn't contain HFCS, but natural sugar. I feel this was why I received such a sustained buzz. The companies web site said that its currently expanding into the U.S. market, which is really good news to me...4.4/5

official site

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