Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I prefure "180 Purple"(oh thats even more clever...)

Along with the amp Lightning, I also bought 180 Red with Goji(also known as the wolfberry) at a little known convenience store. I hadn't seen 180 around were I live, so I bought Red, hoping it would be a full on cherry taste. I had 180 Blue a while back, and from what I remember, it was decent, so I wasn't all too hesitant from buying 180 Red. One thing to note is that 180 is the only non-alcoholic energy drink from Anheuser-Busch. While I have never had an alcoholic energy drink from any company, so I guess this marks the day I consume something made from a beer company...

The can's pretty decent. Its kinda eye catching, being a real bright red colour. One thing that puzzles me is that on the second half of the can, the logo is flipped upside down. Now, unless Anheuser-Busch was expecting a bunch of hand standing hippies to buy there drink, I really don't understand why- hey wait a minute, its because its name is 180- I get it I get it. Them people at Anheuser-Busch are tricky dicky...3.7/5

TASTE: I opened the can and put my nose right up to the ice cold can. I notice a really deep and rather complex cherry raspberry scent, almost like they took Maraschino cherry's and Ocean Spray Raspberry juice cocktail together. The taste is best described as a sour grapefruit/apple mix, which then fades away, leaving behind a real authentic cherry taste. Its not very sweet or tart, which works well with the flavour I think 180 was going for. I really enjoy all sixteen oz. of the drink. Overall, the flavours really refreshing, and is much better than 180 Blue...4.3/5

KICK: The high lite ingredients are: goji, Guarana, caffeine, 180% of Vit. B12, 260% of Vit. B6, and 500% of Vit.C. This blend gave me a rather decent buzz. I didn't expect much from 180 Red, maybe a one hour buzz, two tops. But instead I received a three to four hour buzz. Though it ways more powerful than I expected, it still wasn't too impressive. Minor jitters were felt, along side some mild alertness, but nothing I haven't seen before...3.4/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm rather impressed with 180 Red. I really expected complete crap like the Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt's, but instead I got one truly refreshing drink. All in all, if your looking for a chemical induced buzz Red Bull clone, then I can't recommend it, but if your looking for a great tasting energy drink with a kick that's not out of control, pick up 180 Red. You might like it... or you'll hate it, in which you'll hunt me down and torture me, just like the other kids at school. But hey, at least they included me...3.8/5

official site

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