Wednesday, April 8, 2009

SoBe No Fear Gold

They say cheese ages like fine wine, but I've never heard this for an energy drink. Yesterday, in the same convenience store that 180 Red was bought at, I purchased SoBe No Fear Gold, and guess what, its a year old. I'm serious, its a year old(Its dated March 10th, 2008). Anyway, I've reviewed several No Fear energy drinks, and only one other SoBe energy drink, and overall, the line has mildly impressed me(note, for this review, both the SoBe line and the No Fear line are one line). The line has had its ups, and its downs, but overall, nothing really offensive. But, how will SoBe No Fear Gold turn out? Will it side with the rather pleasing No Fear Motherload, or will it side with the vile SoBe Essentials Berry Pomegranate?

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can, I really like the can. The gold is a real turn on and is something not too common with other energy drinks. While the can's great, It really leaves me in wonder in what the flavour will be. Will it be ginger ale? Will it be a Red Bull clone? Will it be vanilla? This couldn't of helped the sales of the drink. Usually, if I'm looking for an energy drink, besides the price, the flavour is my biggest concern. Either way, the can's at least attractive and really jumps out off the self beside all the black and red energy drink cans out there.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sniff of the drink, and some mild fruit scents are unleashed. The flavour is difficult to describe. The flavour starts out light, with peach as the dominate flavour, but trailing it are strong notes of pineapple, and some mild tangerine. The tangerine is more towards the end as it finishes the flavour. Its not really sweet, gummy, or sour. Overall, while I'm a little disappointed by the lack of creativity with the gold name(I think some play on Ginger ale would have been better), its certainly not bad and is very easy to drink, something that couldn't of been said about the original No Fear.

KICK: Each can contains: Taurine, HFCS, inositol, Vitamin C, caffeine, grape seed, L-carnitine, ginseng, L-arginine, guarana, and 200% of Vit. B12, B6, and C. This standard mix gave me a decent buzz, but nothing spectacular. I received around three hours of mildly raised alertness, and decently raised adrenaline. All in all, a decent kick, but nothing you haven't seen before.

FINEL WORD: Overall, I find that SoBe No Fear Gold is a pretty average drink. Nothing has really step out of the crowd of energy drinks. While the can might get your attention, the lack of flavour indication and the past-its-prime-expiration date is sure to prevent some, if not most people from buying this. While SoBe Gold is by no way a terrible drink, it is simply lacking this certain creativity and uniqueness to prevent it from being left in the back of the fridge of the average energy drinker...3.1/5

official site

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