Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monster Khaos

When someone says the word "energy drink," chances are your first thought will be either Red Bull, or Monster. That is saying a lot. With a name so big, you'd expect nothing but greatness, but as we all know, that is not what we usually get. Other than the side line of coffee flavoured drinks, Java Monster, the Monster line has been sub par with mediocre. None of the drinks really stand out and are usually "been there done that" varieties, and it looks like that won't change with Monster Khaos. Monster Khaos is one of the three juice extension of the Monster line, with the others being Mixxed and M-80. Since Kaos is made by Hansen's(or Baron K. Roolenstein), I think it is safe to guess that it will taste similar to Unbound Juice, or Joker Juice.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Khaos uses a modified Monster can design, and the results I think are quite good. The large orange M fits the black background and industrial panel nicely. Other than the pathetically bad and cliche' writing on the back of the can, I really don't have any complaints on the can of Monster Khaos. Overall, a good can from Monster.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a sweet blend of fresh tangerine and peach, with the peach taking over the beginning, fading out towards the middle to let the tangerine shine, then it finishes with more peach. The initial peach flavour is less sweet and and a little more bitter than the tangerine or the later peach flavour, which are sweet and tangy. Monster Khaos is surprisingly smooth and has a clean finish, which is something to be said about carbonated juice-like energy drink.

KICK: Each can contains: thirty four g of sugar, thirty four g of carbs, eighty percent of vit. A, forty percent of vit. C, 2000mg of taurine, 5000mg of Monster's energy blend, and 200% of Vit. B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Though the ingredients were there, I just didn't receive a good kick from Monster Khaos. For around three hours I felt mildly awake, but nothing to pay $2.30 on.

FINAL WORD: In the end, Monster Khaos is a pretty good overall energy drink and the best in the Monster line(excluding the Java Monsters). While the kick was disappointing for a Monster drink, and for energy drinks in general, the kick is not the most important thing for me in an energy drink. Personally, I think that the taste is the most important part of an energy drink, because if people didn't want to enjoy the flavour, they would just buy energy shots or pills. Rant and kick aside, Monster Khaos is a pretty good overall energy drink. All in all, if your looking for a good juice-like energy drink that won't have you bouncing off the wall, buy Monster Khaos...3.8/5

official site

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