Friday, June 26, 2009

Syzmo Prickly Pear

It is always sad for a line of great energy drinks to end, and that is exactly the case with Syzmo. The Syzmo line has been one success after another, but despite that, I can't say that I'm all too existed to review the last flavour in the line, Syzmo Prickly Pear. Now, I'm no stranger to weird and bizzare flavours. I've had apple, chocolate, strawberry, dragon fruit, and even banana, but never would I of thought that pear would even be considered by a company. Despite this, I'm still gonna review Syzmo Prickly Pear, just for you, because I like you a lot.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Syzmo Prickly Pear is only a colour change different from the other two Syzmos before it. The green I think fits the can better than the blue, but not as well as the crimson did. One thing that I didn't notice on the previous Syzmo cans is a faint floral design in the background. Kinda reminds me of a pillow, and that is not something an energy drink should remind someone of.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It starts out a light sparkling blend of various citrus, mainly pineapple, apple, lime, and lemon. The pineapple and apple flavours dominate the initial flavour, with the lime underling them. The flavour soon fades away, leaving a faint lemon sting in your mouth. There's a mild hint of bitterness in the aftertaste, but thankfully it is not overbearing. Though I feel that the flavour of Syzmo Prickly Pear is the worst of the three in the Syzmo brand, it is at least a drinkable citrus energy drink.

KICK: Each can contains: twenty grams of sugar, 125mg of coffee fruit concentrate, twenty four grams of carbs, 100% of your daily intake of Biotin, eighty mg of caffeine, five mcg of Folate, 1000% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, twelve mg of Vit. B 6, and 100% of your daily intake of Vit. B2, B3, and C. This blend of ingredients gave me a subtle, heath-like boost of energy, but nothing spectacular. For around two or so hours my mental alertness was up and I felt mildly refreshed. All in all, if your looking for a health-like buzz, go with a GURU instead.

FINAL WORD: Overall, Syzmo Prickly Pear is a pretty standard energy drink. Nothing really stood out from the crowded fridge. The can was good, the taste was acceptable, and the kick was run of the mill, and these factors makes Syzmo Prickly Pear hard to recommend. All in all, if your looking for an energy drink that will help you stay up as you await Michael Jackson's autopsy results, look else where, but Syzmo Prickly Pear is still a decent way to spend $.60, just as long as you don't expect anything groundbreaking...3.4/5

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