Monday, June 29, 2009

Wired X505

Earlier this week when I was at my local Big Lots, I was looking at their growing selection of energy drinks, when one caught my eye, Wired X505. Wired X505 is part of the Wired line of energy drinks, and comes in the same twenty four oz. can that Berry Rush did before it, but with one major difference, Wired X505 has 505 mg of caffeine. That is right, 505 mg of caffeine. The moment I saw this I new I had to review it. Not only does Wired X505 contain 505 mg of caffeine, but also 4400 mg of Taurine. So, I have to say that I am extremely excited to try Wired X505, even if I think the flavour will be mediocre.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Wired X505 uses the same design that Berry Rush, which I think is a bad decision on Wireds part. Though the flames don't add much for the can, I feel that the orange fits the design better than purple did. I'm guessing the flavour will be of the orange variety, on a count of the orange can. Though orange has never been my favorite flavour in energy drinks, it is far from my least.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a thick vanilla and syrupy mixture, that quickly fades, leaving some mild bubble gum and citrus hints behind. The vanilla only lasts for a short time, where as the syrup lasts through out the whole flavour. Surprisingly Wired X505 is not all too sweet, which helps given its large twenty four oz. size. Though Wired X505 won't be winning any awards for its flavour, it is still a pretty good Red Bull clone.

KICK: As I stated in the introductory paragraph, Wired X505 contains a whole heck of a lot of ingredients. Each can contains: 505mg of caffeine, 4400 mg of Taurine, 300% of your daily intake of Vit. B3, 150% of your daily intake of Vit. B5, 375 mg of Guarana, 750% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, and 240% of your daily intake of VIt. B12. This really potent blend of ingredients gave me one, freakin', wild, kick. For over six hours I felt jittery, jumpy and was full of energy, but let me tell you, after the six+ hours I got hit with such a crash. I felt groggy, and tired. But I expected as much from an energy drink with 505mg of caffeine. Overall, definitely one of the most powerful kicks I've ever got from an energy drink.

FINAL WARD: From beginning to end, Wired X505 is an above average energy drink. Though the can was pretty bad, the taste was decent and the kick was impressive enough to save it from failing. I can't say that Wired X505 is the best looking or best tasting energy drink I've ever had, but I can say that it is definitely one of the most powerful energy drinks I've ever had. Though the kick was really impressive, I feel that Wired X505 is kinda a one trick pony, as all it can do is deliver a great kick. I have to say that from an overall perspective that I'm disappointed with Wired X505. It seems that the company only cared about was delivering a powerful kick, and that the can and taste were more of an after thought. All in all, if your looking for a cheap way to get a long and powerful buzz, definitely pick up Wired X505, but if your looking for really anything else, I say save your money and avoid...3.2/5

official site


  1. Where can you buy wired x505?

  2. I found it at my local Big Lots, but that was a while back. Sorry, but I don't know where you'd be able to find it.

  3. pretty sure it's discontinued now :(

  4. Wired X505 has been discontinued but, You can buy all the other Wired drinks at any T/A truckstop and select supermarket's and stores nationwide.
