Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh it is a sin all right

First off, I have to say that Stacker 2 YJ Sinful Citrus has got to be one of the hardest energy drinks I've ever had to name. Some call it Stacker 2 YJ Stinger Sinful Citrus, some call it Stinger Sinful Citrus, and some just call it Sinful Citrus, and it is not the reviews fault for the lack of consistency for the name, it's the can. The can has so many different logo's that it is confusing. Name aside, the Stacker 2 line and me haven't had the prettiest of histories. With each Stacker 2 energy drink I try, the more I want to make a "Worst Overall Energy Drink" section on my site. This means that I have absolutely no good expectations for Sinful Citrus, only bad ones.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Stacker 2 YJ Sinful Citrus is far below decent. While I like the fact that the can is green, as green isn't the most common colour for a energy drink, Sinful Citrus somehow finds away to make it look horrible. First of all, there is too much going on. There's multiple layers of designs, scrambled text and a creepy yellow jacket. Second, why the hell would someone put a yellow jacket on an energy drink? Either way, there is little to say good about the can other than that it jumps off the shelf thanks to it being quite bright.

TASTE: Expecting the worst I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a sharp, bitter lime, that then fades away with a sweet lemon taste. There is a mild metallic taste in the beginning of the flavour, which while weird doesn't destroy the flavour mainly because it is not too noticeable. The flavour isn't tart, which is surprisingly considering that it is a citrus drink. Overall, while the taste of Sinful Citrus is definitely the best in the line, it just isn't that good compared to other citrus drinks such as Rockstar Punched Citrus.

KICK: Each can contains: Carbonated water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Citric acid, Caffeine, Taurine, Ascorbic Acid, Pantothenic acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamine, Biotin, Folic Acid, Yerba Matte, Guarana, Ginseng, Natural and Artificial Flavors. This potent-for-an-eight oz.-can blend of ingredients gave me a rather surprisingly weak kick. For around only an hour or two I felt mildly awake, with some noticeable jitters. I have to say I'm shocked that I received such a weak kick. The ingredients were there, but apparently they don't know how to work together yet.

FINAL WERD: Though Stacker 2 Sinful Citrus is the best in the Stacker 2 line, that is not saying much. The can was down right hideous, the buzz was mediocre, and the taste was below average. If I said this about a GURU or Stoked flavour, I and many would consider it a major disappointment, but since it is in the Stacker 2 line, I and many consider it a major accomplishment. All in all, if you've got $.60 to blow and can somehow look past its bad can, taste and kick, then by all means buy it, but for anyone else, avoid...2.6/5

official site

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