Saturday, July 4, 2009

No Fear Bloodshot

When you think of the fourth of July, the one beverage that is on your mind is beer, but since I have no interest in alcoholic beverages, and because ZMikeSner requested this, it looks like I have no choice but to have energy drinks on my mind. No Fear Bloodshot is the newest extension of the popular No Fear line, and is the first No Fear to contain juice. Now, the No Fear line and I have had a pretty good relationship in the past. While non of the drinks were revolutionary or life changing, they were all still decent or better, so my expectations for No Fear Bloodshot are in the middle.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of No Fear Bloodshot uses the same basic can design that Motherload and original used, but uses a different colour(this time orange), and has some mild cosmetic changes. The first difference is the "bloodshot" logo, and the second is, wait for it, a flavour indication. Finally, after three No Fears, not one of them had a flavour indication. Why is a flavour indication such a taboo thing for energy drinks? Is it wrong to what to know what an energy drink is going to taste like? Either way, the can is a mild improvement over No Fear and No Fear Motherload, but still not as good as Gold.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a rich orange flavour, that then fades into a pleasant blend of papaya and peach, with the papaya starting the blend and the peach finishes it. The papaya is not very sweet and is pretty mild, where as the peach is stronger and has a sweet sting to it. The orange flavour is not very all too sweet, similar to a real orange. There is a weird orange peel taste that is over woven with the peach flavour, but surprisingly it doesn't ruin the whole experience. No Fear Bloodshot goes down smooth. Overall, No Fear Bloodshot is one of the more unique and best tasting juice energy drinks I've ever had.

KICK: Each can contains: 174 mg of caffeine, 2000mg of taurine, ginseng, guarana, twenty% of your daily intake of Zinc, selenium, folic acid, 300% of your daily intake of Vit. C, B6, and B12. This blend of ingredients gave me a pretty decent buzz. For around three and a half hours I felt mildly awake and jittery, but after the three+ hours I got hit by a hard and sudden crash. I felt groggy and slow. Overall, a fair to middling kick from No Fear Bloodshot.

FINOL WORD: From start to finish, I have to say that No Fear Bloodshot is the best tasting drink in the No Fear line, and is an all around good energy drink. While the can was fair at best, the great flavour averages it out. With some tweaks here and there, No Fear Bloodshot could go on to become a great energy drink, but right now, it is just a good energy drink. All in all, if you prefer taste over appeal and kick, definitely pick up No Fear Bloodshot, but if your more style and power over taste, it is best to put the can back on the shelf and avoid...3.6/5

official site

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