FIRST IMPRESSION: While the can uses the same design that Passion used, I think that the blue doesn't do the design justice like the crimson did. Other than a colour change and the removal of "Passion" and the insertion of "Original," there is not really any difference from Passion. Syzmo Original has the same GI ranking(30) and the same basic ingredients, so overall, the can is pretty much the same as Passion before it. The name Syzmo Original makes me wonder if the flavour will be the standard Red Bull clone, or its the "original" flavour in the line. Either way, I'm excited to find out.
TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour of Syzmo Original is a Red Bull clone, but a very interesting one. The flavour starts out with a thick, rich and creamy vanilla flavour, then a dull blue berry flavour develops which lingers in your mouth for a while and then ends with a light apple taste. The apple is more noticeable in the aftertaste. The flavour is not at all sour or gummy, which results in an unexpectedly smooth Red Bull clone. The flavour is very complex and pretty different from other Red Bull clones, and this Syzmo Original arguably the best tasting Red Bull clone I've had to date.
KICK: There is one thing that Syzmo Original does that most other Red Bull clones do, and that is provide me with a weak kick. Though each can contains an acceptable amount of ingredients, it simply just wasn't enough to really give drinkers a desired kick. For around two hours I felt mildly awake, but nothing spectacular. Each can contains: 125mg of coffee fruit concentrate, 100% of your daily intake of Biotin, eighty mg of caffeine, five mcg of Folate, 1000% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, twelve mg of Vit. B 6, and 100% of your daily intake of Vit. B2, B3, and C.
FINAL WORD: From beginning to end, I feel that Syzmo Original is one of the most original Red Bull clones I've had to date. Though it uses Red Bull as a base, it is how it uses the base that makes this drink so great. I'm truly and thoroughly impressed with Syzmo Original, but there is just one thing that disappoints me, the line has been discontinued according to Bevnet. With such great potential, I'm sad to know that there wont be any new flavours or varieties. Still, I can see myself drinking Syzmo Original until a new line catches my eye. Overall, Syzmo Original deserves the right to have the word "Original" in its name...4/5
prickly pear flavor is the best, Have tried all three very close together(less than an hour).
I guess they really did get discontinued. Right after I found them unfortunately. This is my all time favorite energy drink, both flavor and ingredient wise. Anybody know what happened? Website, phone number, all gone.
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