Monday, July 13, 2009

amp Elevate Re-review

As much as I hate re-reviewing energy drinks, the monthly energy drink drought is here and in full swing, so all I could find at my local stores was amp Elevate. Like I said in my recent amp Rebuild review, the amp line and me have had a pretty bad history, but it hasn't always been like that. When I first reviewed amp Elevate, I was generally impressed with the amp line, it had potential, but when I re-reviewed amp Overdrive, the line started to become a disappointment. Because I originally like amp Elevate, my expectations for it are higher than any other amp variety in recent memory.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can to amp Elevate uses the same basic design that Overdrive and Lightning did, with the only changes being some of the text and the colour. And because Elevate uses the same design that the previous amps did, it has the same problems. Most notably, the can is way too cluttered. Under the sub name "Elevate" there are five total lines of unnecessary text. Only two of the five lines are necessary, one being the flavour and the other being the weight. Does Pepsi really think is it necessary for the can to say that it is an energy supplement, when the name is clearly amp Energy or think that I care that Elevate has "L-Theanine?" Apparently so.

TASTE: I opened the can and poured it in my frosty energy drink mug. The colour of Elevate is surprisingly dark purple with subtle hints of blue. Not what I was expecting. The flavour starts out a deep cranberry, and raspberry flavour, with the cranberry starting the taste and the raspberry ending it. The cranberry isn't very sweet or tart, unlike the raspberry, which is. Towards the middle of the flavour, there are notes of fake blue raspberry and apple, with the blue raspberry being more noticeable and sweet and the apple being much more faint. The blue raspberry lasts much longer than the apple, and continues on past the cranberry, making it the only real after taste in Elevate. Overall, I'm impressed with amp Elevate's flavour. It is surprisingly complex and generally fun to drink.

KICK: Each can contains: fifty eight grams of sugar, 296 mg of Taurine, 160 mg of caffeine, 148 mg of maltodextrin, thirty four mg of ginseng, twenty four mg of L-Theanine, and 200% of your daily intake of Niacin, Patothenic acid, and phosphorous. This rather un-potent blend of ingredients gave me a less than Ben Stellar kick. For only around three or so hours I felt mildly aware of my surroundings and my reaction time went up just enough so that I could win at Mario Party Seven.

FINAL WORD: As much as it kills me saying this, I have to say that overall I'm impressed with amp Elevate. Though the can and kick were decent to average, it was the taste that really hit it out of the ball park. The flavour was one of the best in the amp line and definitely the most complex and original. Though the flavour was great, the can and kick will drag the overall score down. All in all, if your looking for a great looking power house of an energy drink, skip amp Elevate, but if you prefer flavour over power, and amp products are only three for $5, then pick up amp Elevate, along with amp Original and Lightning...3.3/5

official site

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