Monday, May 17, 2010

Loop Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

Well, it's been a long time coming. I reviewed the original Loop back in 2008, and now thanks to a sale, I finally picked up the sugar free variety, appropriately named Sugar Free Loop. Its can hasn't changed much since its full sugared days, with only a swap of background colours. I liked the looping fire on the black, and while the silver is no match for it, it's actually sort of cool looking. That's not praise, however, but instead me merely looking on the positive side.

Loop Sugar Free is a Red Bull clone, however it's not the most obvious one. It's initially gummy with a strong, almost cloying braid of vanilla and a chemical taste. The chemical taste eventually grows dominate, and while there's a medium strength sweetness riding behind, it gets lost within the chemical taste. Underlying is a fairly pleasant tartness that soon crosses with an unpleasant sourness. The sourness isn't quite like a sour dairy product, but not quite like a sour candy. While it's much lighter than the tartness, it's still evident. The liquid doesn't initially seem very carbonated, however, as it moves along your tongue, you notice a tingly, bubbly sensation. Overall, Loop Sugar Free is certainly drinkable, and like Howling Monkey Elixir, I know I shouldn't of enjoyed each sip, but I kinda did.

Loop Sugar Free isn't very powerful, which should come to no surprise. I only had energy for about two and a half hours. It was jitter free, and it didn't end with a crash. Each can contains: taurine, caffeine, inositol, and several B vitamins. All in all, $.75 could certainly go farther elsewhere, and unless your trapped in a K Mart, I suggest going there.

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