FIRST IMPRESSION: Unlike FreeFall, I really like the can of Loop. Its got a fiery loop of... fire and a black background. But there is one(1) thing that bugs me, first(1st) of all, the name "Loop" doesn't really scream energy drink, more of cereal or a Hot Wheel track. But its not nearly as bad as FreeFall(which is more of a suicide helper service than anything). And the second(2nd) thing is the huge American Fare, Quality Products symbol on the bottom of the can. They might as well said "hey your too cheap to buy a name brand energy drink, so enjoy the shitty sentence on a good looking can"...3.7/5
TASTE: As expected, I was greeted by the sweet smell of FreeFall, no, I mean literally. It smells nearly identical. At first(1st), I really thought it was just FreeFall in a bigger can, but I wasn't. Loop starts out a vanilla sugar taste, then fades away into a gummy mess. I taste some mild pineapple somewhere in each sip. The sixty two(62) grams of sugar per can make this one really sweet tasting Red Bull clone, and it also leaves a sticky feel in your mouth. I would say while FreeFall taste much more like Red Bull, Loop has a more unique taste, and arguably a better taste. I'd have to say that Loop passes in the taste category, more so than FreeFall...3.3/5
KICK: Each can contains 180% of your daily Niacin, 480% of your daily Vit. B6, 160%of your daily intake of Vit. B12, and 90% of your daily Vit. B5. And according to the back, that's all it's got. Overall, its a pretty weak drink in the energy category. It provides a decent one(1) to three(3) hour of a mild buzz before it starts to fade. Overall, an under impressive kick, that's only stronger than FreeFalls because of the size. The name Loop I guess is supposed to tell you that you'll be in an endless loop, but I personally don't feel that happening. Unless your a small child, or very sensitive to caffeine, Loop's kick is a joke. 2.4/5
FINAL WERD: All and all, I can't say that K Mart didn't try a little harder with Loop than FreeFall. FreeFall's can sucked, but Loops can was cool, FreeFall's taste was decent, Loop's taste was a little better, FreeFalls kick sucked, well, so did Loop's kick. Loop was just another pimple on the ugly face of the energy drink market. After K Marts attempt at energy drinks, I can't say I'm excited to try other generic brand energy drinks. But Loop does have one crucial thing over drinks like Hansen's Energy Deuce, and Red Devil; its drinkable...3/5
My can is Blueberry Pomegranate flavor, sugar free and does have caffeine in the ingredients list local find in Marysville Ohio in July 2012
Same here, I drink the Sugar free Blueberry Pomegranate. I prefer it over either of the others- found in Somerset, KY in July, though they seem to run out of it frequently.
Very well priced. I enjoy the extra energy. Good product.
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