Thursday, February 11, 2021

Coca-Cola with Coffee Dark Blend Soda Review

Believe it or not, this is not the first carbonated coffee cola we have come across here on the storied Caffeine King. No that honor goes to Jump Coffee Cola, although that was an energy drink, not a soda, as well as being ten years ago. Somehow since then, we have also had Slap Black and White, yet that lacked the soft drink inspiration. So Coke is late to the ballgame with their latest endeavor to exploit its ordinarily sterile brand.

The flavor definitely takes a brave palate to stomach the creative cocktail, and mine was not up to the challenge at first sip. Not by a long shot. That full, familiar cola body is immediately thinned by the java's involvement, a corpse drained of its nostalgic gusto. Any tongue accustomed to ground coffee, breakfast blend and black if you are like me, instantly spotted the powdered coffee's influence. It sucks the moisture out from the mouth, starved of the whole purpose of potations, which is of course hydration. It is unclear what makes this coffee a "dark blend," aside from the fact that the joe here is otherwise unflavored, but its bitterness is shallow and astringent, absent is the complexity one finds from a properly prepared brew. High fructose corn syrup, eighteen grams of it, as well as sucralose and ace-k, matter only for that very first encounter, before the bean decoction destroys the sweetness' purpose. This leaves a heavy metallic aftertaste behind, remedied only by another sip before repeating the entire cycle, acerbity and all.

Sixty nine milligrams of caffeine is relatively high for a soft drink but low for a coffee, and the hour long buzz going against what is predominately tasted. Overall, Coca-Cola with Coffee Dark Blend is an oddball, awkward product that dilutes the brand in a way we expect of its competitor Pepsi.

official site

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