Monday, November 24, 2008

Inked Chikara Energy Drink

Thank you Big Lots for providing me with many cheap energy drinks that are slowly killing me. Inked Chikara by Cott Beverages is the next energy drink that I'll be reviewing. I was kinda skeptical buying a 24 pack of this, mainly because I've never had it, nor really heard of it. But, I figured for $5, I might as well buy it, but did I make a mistake?

FIRST IMPRESSION: I really, really like the can. It reminds me of tattoos. It also gives it a tropical feel, especially the weird waves and red slowly turning into yellow. Upon further inspecting, I notice that its made especially for 7-11 gas stations. There is one thing that really bugs me, the fact that the ingredients etc. are in two(2) languages. I understand that its made for a gas station that's all around the world, but still. It bothers me. Neahhh...4/5

TASTE: The flavour of Inked Chikara is hard to describe. Its a citrus flavour, with noticeable tangerine flavour. Its not a very complex drink, nor sour at all. Its a pretty mild drink. Its not very sweet, which gives it a juice like taste. Its a really refreshing drink, and you can barely taste the vitamins in it. All these things combined gives it a really great flavour, not too strong, but not too weak. But these things aside, its not an athletic drink. And you all know, I'm 200 pounds of athletic man...4.2/5

KICK: Inked Chikara is one of those energy drinks that don't give you a major ass kick-ing, but one of those drinks that give you a subtle buzz. I felt really awake, but not energetic. Similar to what Energy Bloom or Rip It Chic's buzz. This is thanks to: 180 calories, forty six(46) grams of sugar, one(1) gram of protein, high fructose corn syrup, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, gum acacia, inositol, ester gum, and B Vitamins. Its good to have a subtle kick every once in a while...3/5

FINAL WORD: I think Cott did a great job with Inked Chikara. The only other drink I've had by Cott(I believe) was Aftershock. Now, I'm not saying Aftershock was a bad drink, I'm just saying that the flavour's not as unique...4/5

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