Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Frappio Espresso Latte Energy Coffee

A recent trip to Big Lots has brought me many different energy drinks. Some I've already reviewed, but plan to review them, or some that I've never seen before. As you could probably tell, Frappio Espresso Latte Energy Coffee fall under the "never heard of before" category. I haven't had an energy coffee in a while. I believe the last time I had one was when I reviewed Java Monster Russian. And that was over a month ago. I was, for the most part, impressed with the Java Monsters, and I'm rather excited to see how Frappio turns out...

FIRST IMPRESSION: I'm not sure what Frappio was going for when they designed the can, but I kinda like it. I like all the browns on the can, it really tells the person that they're buying a coffee, while some other coffee energy drinks might not make it too obvious. The can also says that its made with "ashwangandha", and quite frankly, I have no fucking clue what that is. But a quick Gizoogle tells me that "ashwangandha reduces fatigue, and reduces hunger". That's not something I'd expect in an energy drink, mainly because the main point of an energy drink is to get you energized, not full...3.6/5

TASTE: The can says to "shake gently", and apparently, I shake too hard, because this foamed like a rabid dogs mouth. The smell is very unappealing. It smells like coffee at first, then a supreme pizza smell develops. Its not all that appealing, but a pizza flavored energy drink would kick ass. The taste is similar to Java Monster Big Black, though I feel that Big Black is better. It just has a more, coffee taste to it. But, I also feel that Frappio is had much more "drinkability" than Big Black(I tend to choke on Big Black...). Plus, I would rather tell my friends I'm drinking the liquid from a "Frappio" than a "Big Black." Now I'm not saying that Frappio is bad tasting, I'm just saying its mediocre at best...2.9/5

KICK: What? You guys don't like it when I list all of the ingredients? How... How could you say that. Fine. I'll make it shorter. Each can contains: Brewed coffee, milk, sucrose, natural and artificial flavors, caffeine, and ashwangandha. Though being sweetened with sucrose, and not HFCS's, gets kudos points from me, Frappio just doesn't have the energy ingredients to give you a good kick. Despite the can promising a great kick, all I got was was a "hot coffee" buzz. Not an energy drink buzz. I feel like I just had a Dunkin Dognuts coffee. Overall, a weak buzz on any standard...2.4/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm unimpressed with Frappio. The can looked promising, but the taste and kick was poorly executed. Some times when I go to Big Lots, I wonder why some energy drinks are there and only $.60. Like Who's Your Daddy or Joker Mad Energy, they're both great drinks and are worth more than $.60, but not Frappio. I fully understand why it was so cheap. I will never fall for their dirty tricks ever again...2.9

official site

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