Monday, December 29, 2008

Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea

Well, after a well deserved Christmas break from reviewing energy drinks, I figured I should start reviewing energy drinks again. For Christmas, I got a box of energy drinks(I also got a cherry flavored sticker, and a mug that says "I like Eggs"). There were several drinks that I've never had(Loop Energy, Archer Farms Tropical etc.), and several that I've had/reviewed before(Free Fall, Rock Star etc.). Now, I now what your thinking, "So Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea was one of the energy drinks that you got for Christmas that you've never had right?" Well of cours-NO. I was shopping for grocery's yesterday, and I picked up Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea and Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Pomegranate Tea.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can. The weird sun-like symbol in the middle really says "natural" with out going overboard with it. I also like the green background with weird doodles. One of the main points of Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea is that each can contains 100mg of EGCG. Which a quick Wikipedia search tells us that "epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG) is an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from UV radiation-induced damage and tumor formation." Well, I guess that's good, but people who usually drink energy drinks are not "Health conscious". Upon further inspection of the can, I find that each can contains natural caffeine, which is stronger than artificial caffeine. That alone gets kudos's points from me...4/5

TASTE: Upon first sip, I'm hit with a Mountain Dew like drink. Similar to Who's Your Daddy Green Tea Citrus, but Hansen's has more of a "tea" taste to it. Its not all that carbonated, making it extremely easy to drink. It starts out like a carbonated version of a light green tea, then a mild citrus, mostly lime, flavour kicks in. Its a good drink, not great, just good. Somethings could of been better. Like the slight after taste. I'm guessing its from the EGCG, mainly because no energy drink I've ever had had this bizarre after taste. But its not all that noticeable, which I guess is good. I find Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea to be the best effort from Hansen's. Hansen's Energy Deuce was horrendous and Hansen's Energade Citrus was just unimpressive. Overall, a good tasting energy drink form Hansen's...3.4/5

KICK: If theirs one place that Hansen's never really failed at is their kick, and Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea is not different. Each can contains 2000mg of Taurine, 400mg of Panax Ginseng, and another damn ENERGY BLEND? Fuck, I really hate this energy blend shit. Piss's me off. Anyway, I received a major kick from this drink, and its not one of those healthy kicks, this is one of those jittery, panic attack like kicks. Its a real surprise to find that a "natural" energy drinks gave me a artificial chemical buzz. Its always nice and healthy to receive a artificial chemical buzz, isn't it...4.4/5

FINAL WARD: Overall, I feel that... you know, I really hate writing out Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea every time I referee to the drink. Why does it have to be so long? I mean, Why not make it short like ...lost, Hansen also makes ...lost. Why do they have to make it longer than the Bible and the Dictionary's overweight love child?...3.7/5

official site

1 comment:

  1. They stopped making this long ago, as you are aware im sure, it was definitely my favorite.
