Saturday, December 6, 2008

Full Throttle Blue Demon

After several recommendations, I finally got my useless ass to try Full Throttle Blue Demon. Is it just me, or does Blue Demon sound like a parody of Red Devil? The Full Throttle brand has never really impressed me. For the most part, they've been mediocre or worse. Coke just can't seem to make a good energy drink. Full Throttle original, Fury, Mother, and frozen Fury have all been mediocre at best. But lest see if Blue Demon will follow the Full Throttle tradition, or stray off on its own by being good...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can design works well with blue. I think its the addition of the words "Blue Demon" that makes it bearable. I don't know what "agave" is supposed to taste like, but I'm guessing berry, judging by the word "blue" and the blue can. But upon further inspection of the can, I find my favorite meter of all, the "Full Throttle Blend" meter, thing. That pisses me off. But wait, I found something, apparently, Blue Demon says how much caffeine is in the can as a whole. Finally, I will know. After much anticipation, I dropped my balls and looked... WHAT? ONLY 141 MG OF CAFFEINE? That's nothing. That's a full 59 mg less that Rip It. 200mg per 16oz should be the standard... Pisses me off...2.9/5

TASTE: I've never been the biggest fan of berry flavored drinks. I'm more of a citrus guy. But I oped the top and too a swig. At first, you notice a fake, almost generic berry flavour, with some noticeable raspberry. Then, out of no where, a grass flavour hits you. Is it just me, or is that weird? Any who, the flavour is mediocre, once again. But after a while, the berry/grass flavour gets stand-able, and is quite drinkable from then on out. But after 16 oz, you don't feel so good. It might be the heavy sweetness. I find this drink to be lower than Fury, and original. But that could just be because of my love of citrus...2.7/5

KICK: Eh, the kick was mediocre. With only high fructose corn syrup, taurine, ginseng, caffeine, carnitine, B vitamins, and guarana in the can, and ONLY 141MG OF CAFFEINE... what do you expect? I never find that Full Throttle gives a good boost. Despite the "With 3000mg of the Full Throttle Energy Blend who can stop you", claim, I still don't find the kick all to great...3/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Full Throttle Blue Demon is a mediocre extension of the Full Throttle brand. Not, let me rephrase that. I feel that the Full Throttle brand is a mediocre line of energy drinks. There, much better. Why do companies feel like they have to rush into the market with a cheap, or under developed drink? Only several companies don't do this, such as Rip It, Ole', Full Speed, and Coolah. And most of them disappear without a trace, bearably leaving their mark. Its sad really. Really sad, its so sad, that I might, throw up...2.8/5

official site

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