Thursday, January 22, 2009


Despite having GURU, and Starbucks to review, I still had the nerve to buy more, and when I say more, I mean it. Big Lots recently gave me a twelve(12) pack of thirty two(32) oz. RockStar's for twelve(12) bucks. But I wasn't done there. I still had the audacity to buy a four(4) of amp. Now, I know what your thinking(Wow, this blog has really sucked lately), "why would I review/buy amp if I still had a bunch of GURU's and Starbucks to review/drink?" Well, the answer's quite simple, I've just put off this review too long, so, I decided while I still have some, to finally review amp, one of the markets leaders.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can of amp, the black going green isn't all that common. But, like the GURU can's, there's some weird symbol above the name. Why do they do that? Anyway, the can is eye pleasing and the colour and design makes look almost urban. One(1) interesting note with amp's can, is the little Mountain Dew(oh I'm sorry, Mtn Dew) symbol at the bottom. Why would they put that there? Its like they're suckering Mtn Dew lovers in by tricking them... But not me, I never was a big Mtn Dew fan growing up. "Too much caffeine" you would always hear...4/5

TASTE: Now, judging my the lack of flavour indication, my first(1st) thoughts was this was gonna be another Red Bull clone(speaking of which, I haven't had in a while...), but Mtn Dew doesn't have a flavour indication either, so I didn't know what too expect. The scent is like a combination of Mtn Dew and Full Throttle. The taste is best described as Mtn Dew upfront' but then instead of a sharp citrus/caffeine sting at the end, a lite lemon taste takes over. The citrus consists of mostly a pineapple, apple and lemon mix. There's a noticeable coating after a couple sips, which I guess isn't for everyone. Overall, I really like the flavour of amp. Its medium carbonation and its easy drinkability makes it great for fast chugging or quick sipping...4.4/5

KICK: Each can contains: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, citric acid, orange juice from concentrate, natural flavors, guarana, maltodextrin, caffeine, taurine, panax ginseng, and brominated vegetable oil. For a kick, amp preforms less powerful than than the energy drinks they're competing with(I.E. RockStar, Full Throttle and Monster). Despite Mtn Dew being known for being the caffeine soda, their energy drink extension didn't preform as well as expected. I received a mediocre buzz that lasted roughly one(1) to two(2) hours...2/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I found that amp is a good substitute for Mtn Dew, or someone looking for a great tasting, less powerful energy drink, but for the hardcore caffeine junkies like its marketed to, a great tasting, weak energy drink. Most would go as far as to say its not an energy drink, but more of an overpriced energy soda in an intense energy drink can. All and all, I conclude that amp is not for people looking for big kicks, but more for someone looking for good tasting energy drink that won't wow you with a good kick...3.9/5

official site

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