Tuesday, January 20, 2009

GURU Iced Green Tea Honey Lemon

I would just like to take this time and apologize for the lack or irregular posts lately. It's just been hectic around here, mainly because of the Midterms this week, so, as you can imagine, I've been up all night playing video games. And because of this, my schedule's been on the fritz the last couple of days. I hope you forgive me(and if you don't, I swear to God I'll hunt you down and GUT YOU LIKE A PIG). As you can imagine, all these long nights are really taking a toll on my sleeping pattern, so I opened my fridge and grabbed anything with caffeine. And the drink I pulled out was GURU Iced Green Tea Honey Lemon. But, will it be more of a Mountain Dew(which is now MTN DEW in case you didn't know) like Who's Your Daddy Green Tea Citrus and Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea were, or a full blown, real green tea flavour...

FIRST IMPRESSION: I feel that the can of GURU Iced Green Tea Honey Lemon is very health food looking, not a hard core energy drink. But, who's to say that a healthy looking energy drink is bad to the eye's? Personally, I like it. I like it better than GURU Superfruit. But I don't like it too much. The light green is great and is not seen all too much in the energy drink culture. Though I still want to know what the weird symbol means, it pisses me off. It should just say on the can, "In case your wondering, the symbol means yadda yadda yadda." Then this question wouldn't haunt me in my sleep, keeping me from sleeping, so that I'll buy more energy drinks... HEY...3.3/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. I was greeted by a Mtn Dew flavour, but then a tart, not too sweet, lemon taste kicks in with some mild tea in there. I can't say that I'm repulsed by the flavour, as it gets better with time, but I'd rather drink a Who's Your Daddy Green Tea Citrus or Hansen's Natural Primal Energy Citrus Tea. It's non-carbonated, which really makes it go down smooth. It kinda taste like flat Who's Your Daddy Green Tea Citrus. Overall, an un-impressive energy drink. Maybe I'm not a tea guy(but a lass, a tea girl), who knows, all I know is that I didn't enjoy it...2.9/5

KICK: Each can contains: Ninety Seven(97) mg of caffeine, and... no... it can't be... another ENERGY BLEND? Why? I can't believe you've done this GURU... why can't they just say how much energy ingredients the drink contains? Are they scared? Are you scared GURU? Are you SCAR-wait... they're scared... scared of me. Fear is more powerful than respect. I have power! Finally. Now, what to do first with all this power... I GOT IT. I'll become... Mojo Jojo! And as Mojo Jojo, I finnish the review, in which I started. The kick, yes, the kick, the kick was good, not great, good, not bad, good. Good as in not being great, but at the same time, not being bad. And it was healthy, yes, healthy as in it didn't feel unnatural, because it felt natural, as in nature intended it to be this way. Nature didn't intead it to be unnatural, because that would make no sense, and sense is what nature makes, sense, not non sense, sense, as in not being nonsense, but sensefull. And I know this because I am Mojo Jojo...4/5

FINAL WORD: Uhhh yes, I'm back to just regular plain Caffeine King. I am no longer Mojo Jojo. The sedatives kicked in and... yeah. Anyway, I find that GURU Iced Green Tea Honey Lemon was a disappointment in the GURU line. May it be that GURU Superfruit set the stakes too high? Maybe so, but only time will tell if the other three(3) GURU's will be disappointments or be winners. Only time will tell...2.9/5

official site

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