Friday, January 16, 2009

Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee

First off, thank you Evan Pham and Starbucks for sending me the drinks for review. I've been a fan of a few of the energy coffee's I've reviewed, and so when I was asked if I wanted some samples of Starbucks doubleshot I quickly said yes. When the package showed up at my door I noticed that one of the flavours I received won't be released til February! This flavour is Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce. Being a fan of both coffee and cinnamon, I have to say that I'm excited to review Starbucks Cinnamon Dulce.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee is pretty... decent. Personally, I wouldn't have any silver, just the brown ribbons. In case that some of you don't know what "dulce" means, I'll tell you. According to Wikipedia, "Dulce de leche in Spanish or doce de leite in Portuguese ("milk sweet"), is a milk-based syrup." I think that its called "Cinnamon Dulce" because its marketed to the Latino crowd. Whether or not marketing it to Latinos will be controversial or not, I'm not Latino, so its not getting extra points for marketing to Latinos, nor am I removing points for marketing it to Latinos...3/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a swig. I was greeted by creamy coffee taste, but then, as expected, a cinnamon taste lightly coats your mouth. There is some vanilla, though not all too noticeable. The main focus is the cinnamon. The cinnamon is not overbearing, and is very light, which actually adds some complexity to it. I really like the taste, I like it so much that its tied with Java Monster Mean Bean for being the best flavoured energy coffee. Its refreshing to finally find a good coffee after being plagued by the Frappio line. Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee goes down smooth, making it easy to drink. Overall, Starbucks Cinnamon Dulce is a fine tasting drink and I can't wait til' it comes out in February...4.5/5

KICK: Each can contains: 100% of your daily intake of Riboflavin, Niacin, Vit. B6, 50% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, and... what? Only 1800mg of Taurine? I'm rather shocked. From a drink named doubleshot, I was expecting more dubious ingredients. The kick I got from Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee was slightly lower than expected. Though I did feel pretty awake, it wasn't as powerful as my expectations had hoped for. While not as powerful as the Java Monster line, it is certainly stronger than others. The kick is comparable to Lucozade. Not all too powerful, but did a great job of getting me perked up...3.9/5

FINAL WERD: Overall, I think that Starbucks doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee(And yes, writing this damn long name out a lot is pissing me off) is a good energy coffee. Though the can could be improved, and the kick just wasn't as high as I had hoped, the flavour is still enough to keep this drink from being "average." The taste alone is good enough to have you drink again, though I can't recommend drinking it for hard core partying. But I can recommend this for a great tasting cold coffee anytime. I can't wait to try the other flavours of Starbucks doubleshot, though it might take me a while to review all of them, mainly because I also have the other four(4) flavours of GURU that I can't wait to try...3.8/5

official site

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