FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can of GURU Superfruit. Red is always a nice colour and... I can't help but wonder what the little symbol above the second(2nd) "u" means or stand for. Is it a boomerang? In some obscure language does the symbol mean guru, or the letter "G"? Anyway, I can find some things that I don't like about the can. For starters, the peach/salmon colour seems out of place on a red can. One more complaint is that in some angles, the can looks, almost pink. Though I am a big fan of the colour pink, this is just one of the examples where it doesn't work...3/5
TASTE: Upon opening the can, I was greeted by the smell of Kool Aid Fruit Punch. The flavour is best described as a mix of white grape, acai, and pomegranate juice's. The white grape flavour is more noticeable than the pomegranate or acai. Once the drink sits in your mouth for a minute or so, the acai flavour kicks in. The acai flavour in GURU Superfruit is the acai flavour that Full Throttle Blue Demon should of been. Then the pomegranate comes in at the end and gives it a zing. The non-carbonated gives the drink the feel of drinking real punch or juice. Overall, an extremely impressive flavour, it's so impressive that its right up there with Boo Koo Punch and Ole' for best flavour. This is certainly one of the best energy drinks, flavour wise, that I've had in a while...4.8/5
KICK: Each can contains: filtered water, 43.5 grams sugar, acai juice, guar gum, pomegranate juice, guarana (with 97 mg caffeine), black currant, yumberry juice, echinacea, ginseng, and gingko 180 calories, and 1.5 grams protein. And with this potent mix of wierd, yet natural ingeridents, you get a healthy buzz, similar to Xenergy Citrus Clear. Both your body and mind feel great and refreshed, kinda like you just took a nap, but not just any nap, a Garfield nap. Overall, I feel that GURU Superfruits kick, while not anything new, was a powerful boast for both mind and body...4/5
FINAL WORD: Overall, I have to say that GUGU Superfruit was a exceptional experience. While I found the can to be lacking, the magnificent taste and the powerful, yet healthy kick made up for it. And no, I'm not getting paid to praise this drink(I've never gotten paid for this blog and I plan on keeping it that way), GURU somehow made a truly great drink. I'm really excited to try the other flavour's GURU has to offer...4/5
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