Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Still Remember, No Bull

Yes I know, while most of you are out drinking right now, the only thing I'm drinking is highly caffeinated drinks. Oh well, at least you'll be too drunk to see how shitty this review is anyway. On July 25, 2007, I reviewed the biggest name in energy drinks, Red Bull. But since that was so long ago, I decided to review it once again. Red Bull, like we all know, is the the drink people think of when the word's "energy drink" are said, and will all that power, Red Bull still only had there famous eight oz. can, until a couple years after Monster and ...lost started releasing there drinks in bigger cans. You'd think that when Red Bull started releasing itself in sixteen.nine oz. that the price would be decent... You'd think that wouldn't you, but instead I had to pay $3.49 for this shit. Why? Monster thirty two oz. is cheaper than that! Pisses me off...

FIRST IMPRESSION: I feel that the can, while simply classic, is in desperate need of a redesign. Its basic design work pretty well when it was in eight oz. cans, but when its in sixteen.nine oz. cans, it just looks ugly. I do like how the nutrition facts are in a slant, because it adds some attractiveness to the can. Overall, the can's just too basic and rather ugly...2/5

I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour's best described as the classic energy drink taste base, but with much more gummy flavour and less sweet than most. Following the gummy taste, there's a mild vanilla flavour to it, as like most clones. Its not neatly as sour as most other clones out there. Red Bull goes down smooth and leaves a bubble gum flavour behind, just to let you know what you just drank. Overall, I find that the flavours actually quite good, despite me harshly criticized numerous similarly tasting energy drinks(like FreeFall, Loop, Mad Croc...). While it might seem unfair to have liked Red Bulls taste, and not oh lets say FreeFall is that its Red Bulls flavour. Red Bull made this flavour popular in America, not FreeFall, Red Devil, not any other energy drink but Red Bull...3.8/5

KICK: One area most knockoffs seem to fail in is the kick department, and Red Bull is no different. Each can contains: Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrate, taurine, inositol, niacin, vitamin B12, natural and artificial flavors, colors, and caffeine. Overall, this pathetically basic blend of ingredients gave me an under impressive buzz. I felt only mildly alert and had no detection of jitters, not even the smallest twitch. Overall, Red Bull fails to provide me with a buzz worthy of $3.49...2/5

FINEL WORD: Overall, I feel that despite being the biggest name in energy drinks, Red Bull is a truly unimpressive energy drink not worthy of being the biggest name in energy drinks. There are many of energy drinks that should get the credit they deserve of being in every convenience, health, and grocery store in America, and not Red Bull(i.e. Stoked, GURU, Rip It). Though I can probably write a 738 word essay on how I'm not found of Red Bull, I have to give them credit were credit is due. With out Red Bull, there probably wouldn't an energy market, or energy drink review blogs for that matter. So in a weird turn of events, I owe thanks to Red Bull for giving me something to due and at the same time delay me suicide. Thanks Red Bull...2.6/5

official site

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