Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stoked Original

Some of the best energy drinks in recent memory are from the Stoked line, and so today I decided to review the original Stoked energy drink... Stoked Original. Stoked Original is the only one in the Stoked line to have four packs, which I might buy if this drink turns out to be as great and as impressive as the others in the line...

FIRST IMPRESSION: Though I like the can of Stoked Original, I have to say that I prefer Wind Chill, After Burn, and even Dragonfruit over Original. Why, because Original is just too empty and is just screaming Red Bull clone. The other Stoked energy drinks at least had some type of background for the image, but all that Stoked has is black. The can reminds me tremendous of Joker Mad Energy because they both have a black background, and the bad ass image. Overall, while the can's not as appealing as the other Stoked drinks, but its still good...3.4/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour's best described as a Red Bull clone, but with gumminess and more of a tart, sour flavour. I couldn't detect any vanilla in it, like many other Red Bull seem to be plagued with. Just like Wind Chill and After Burn, there's some weird sensation left behind after a couple of sips. Its not a minty sensation like the one found in Wind Chill, nor is it a numbness feeling like in After Burn, but its very own, unique sensation that is not as prominent as the sensation found in Wind Chill and After Burn. Overall, I like the taste of Stoked Original, really like it. While it is a Red Bull clone, it has enough things added and taken out to make it much more unique and avoids being a complete Red Bull clone...4.7/5

KICK: Each can contains: carbonated water, sugar, citric acid, taurine, glucuronolactone, ginseng root powder, caffeine, inositol, B Vitamins, and guarana. This impressive blend of ingredients gave me one killer buzz, in true Stoked fashion. The buzz lasted around four+ hours, with no crash, because of smart choice to use real sugar instead of HFCS...4/5

FINAL WERD: Overall, I'm extremely pleased how Stoked Original turned out. While the can, in all its bad ass-ness, was lacking a bit, the interesting take on the classic Red Bull flavour, and the powerful kick made up for the can. I can say that Stoked may be the best energy drink line since the GURU line, but that's what worries me. How? Well, since there is only one more Stoked to review, Tropical Orange(there's also a sugar free version, but I really don't like to consider s/f versions as energy drinks, maybe 3/5th of an energy drink...), and all the Stoked's have been great, but so were the drinks in the GURU line, until I tried Green Tea Honey Lemon, which wasn't good. So I'm hoping that Tropical Orange doesn't turn out like GURU Honey Green Tea Lemon and is just as good as its Stoked brothers and sisters...4/5

official site

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