The flavour begins with a decently cream-likeness that tastes shallow and one dimensional. A bleak and hardly acidic coffee flavour then appears, but it too is carelessly simple and bland. More cream-taste follows the prior, however it now has a slight vanilla suggestion that softly bites the flavour. The vanilla doesn't taste artificial or natural, and in all honestly it's simply too light to really supply any benefit. The flavour obviously suffers from being reduced sugar, but there's a distinct lack of any sweetness, imitation or otherwise, which I feel cruelly and unfairly punishes the taste. A hollow mocha essence is partially noticeable ascending above the experience, but the sheer lack of sweetness prevents it from taking on any depth or providing any complexity. The just prior has a discreet coffee bitterness beneath that unfortunately meets a faint synthetic quality, and both are only potent enough to drastically mellow the other. The fluid is thin on your palate, which, although a change of pace from most energy coffee's, doesn't provide any sense of richness as it swims across your mouth. Overall, Rockstar Roasted Light Vanilla tastes less like a coffee and more like a barely flavoured skim milkshake.
Thankfully, Rockstar Light Vanilla's kick is far superior than either its can or taste. I had a solid four plus hours of jitter free energy that didn't end in a crash. Each can contains: caffeine(240mg), several B vitamins, inositol, taurine, ginseng, ginkgo, and guarana. Overall, Rockstar Roasted Light Vanilla is a dreary and vapid way to spend $2.24.
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