By the colour of the fluid itself, a more proper name would be Golden Thunder, which isn't any less stupid then the one chosen. For flavouring, there seems to be a strong liking for sour apple, with no particular variety apparent, and the emphasis on the former is surprisingly intense. It isn't quite enough to rival citric acid heavy candies, but there is certainly a slight puckering, or at least initially, and it really distracts you from ever really noticing the otherwise deeply unoriginal flavour. Vanilla isn't particularly involved like it sometimes is with such drinks, and actually the only flavour depiction is of the aforementioned, and unfortunately what is exhibited here is a poor expression of the fruit. The powerful sourness, however, does distract from the antecedent's general elementariness, and the small size keeps one from ever having adequate time to look beyond. So I guess Red Thunder's taste is getting a recommendation, a slight one though, and it really only is to be bought over products with a known similar taste.
Each can contains: caffeine, taurine, inositol, and various B vitamins, and the kick was nothing better than what was expected. It lasted for under two hours, free of jitters, and there wasn't any crash. In the end, Red Thunder is purely a budget Red Bull for those on one, and only in that context is it successful.
Great for jagerbombs!!!
Most pathetic review I've read in quite awhile. You could have saved $3 and wrote this without the benefit of having ever tried the product, since you clearly made up your mind before opening the can. Seriously? The name doesn't work? But 'Red Bull' does? Red Bull doesn't taste, smell, or look like a bull. Red Bull's packaging is also mostly blue, and not red.
BTW, 'Elementariness' isn't a word. And your myriad (that means 'a lot') poor word usage and phraseology gives one the impression that you spent far too much time in your Webster's and not enough time in your creative writing class back in junior college.
So, in your effort to sound knowledgeable, you fail. In your effort to be taken seriously, you also fail.
Wow quite harsh marc. This was his opinion. Did you create "red thunder" because you seem to have an other worldly attachment to it. Seeing ass you defended a can of carbonated poison.
It tastes good. Good product.
Ridiculous review. Sense this review Aldi has removed all artifical flavor so that is another reason to love this drink. The drink is much more smooth than Red Bull and tastes healthier. This drink is for those who don't want to spend an ungodly amount on an energy drink like Red Bull but still want to enjoy one. They're super cheap.
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