Friday, January 1, 2021

2020: Your Drink Sucks

2020, what a turbulent year. Yet for all the bad that happened, the public could not even escape into their energy drinks. This is the worst of the worst in a year itself the worst.

*these are not necessarily products that were released in 2020, but rather those that were reviewed here in 2020.*

G Fuel Ragin' Gummy Fish Energy Drink

This is an astonishing stupid drink, one that looks and tastes as if it is trying to insult consumers. Because it does.

By the time the holidays rolled around, we all needed a little treat. This, however, is garbage in the highest order.

For the first new NOS reviewed here in almost a year, you would imagine the company had spent time working out all the kinks. Unfortunately no- this is pure kink, and not in a good way.

Mtn Dew and AMP have had had their fair share of problems, but when the two brands join forces, the results are just awful.

A Bob Ross energy drink makes zero sense to begin with. Then you overpay for a can. And then you open that can. And worse yet, then you drink what is inside the can.

Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew Vanilla Sweet Cream

The only thing "premium" here is its price tag. 

Java Monster Triple Shot Mocha

300 milligrams of caffeine is an impressive amount, sure, but it comes at the cost of tasting like coffee.

HeyDay Dirty Chai Cold-Brew Coffee

The company was most certainly well past their heyday when they released this. 


A Red Bull clone does not have to be bad. Tweaker, though, is crap.

Root 9 Panax Gold Vitality

I feel bad for Root 9 Gold, but hey, I call 'em as I see 'em.

Zevia Kōla

I love soda-inspired energy drinks; I wish we would see more of them. Just so long as they are not also inspired by Zevia Kōla.

Rockstar Thermo X Neon Blast

Some drinks are disappointments. Others are bad. Then we have rubbish like Rockstar Thermo X Neon, which truly, honestly, completely, sucks.

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