Monday, January 23, 2023

Monster Zero Sugar Energy Drink Review

Despite carrying the same name as a previous potable, Monster Zero Sugar here looks completely different. Is it a revamp? A new variety? I cannot say for sure, but now, their diet drink looks almost identical to normal Monster. The company is requiring their consumers to read to make sure they buy either the sugar free or regular, and not to knock anyone specific, but people are stupid and so was this decision.

This is 100% sugar free Monster, your first mouthful is an avalanche of bubble gum that tastes straight out of the late 2000's. Vanilla is the other major player here, and the duology weighs heavily on the palate, immobilizing it as the liquid continues to pour from the sixteen ounce can. By this point, you are several sips in, and a touch of citrus creeps out, but it fails to liven the experience, seized by the aforementioned twosome in its unbridled nostalgia for less intricate and daring flavor profiles. No carbohydrate sweeteners sucralose and ace-k welcome erythritol this time, but there is still no mistaking this as something with honest sugar, but imbibes finish with minimal diet aftertaste. There is little new here, and my tongue doubts that anything is improved, but it is not bad.

160 milligrams of caffeine leads the two and a half hour long buzz, an unremarkable and average kick. Other ingredients include B vitamins, taurine, guarana, inositol, and more. In the end, Monster Zero Sugar is the definition of OK.

company site

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Will you do a review of the alcoholic monster seltzer things? I saw them at the store and am curious how that situation is.
