Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hey, have you heard about Rip It Chic? It comes in all sorts of great flavors including my favorite, Sin-A-Man.

This is one of the last Rip Its left for me to review(I still can't find Sting-er Mo). A sad day indeed. Like always, I got this drink at Big Lots for $.60. The last Chic was well worth the price, but what about Sin-A-Man?

FIRST IMPRESSION: As I said in Berry In O Scent's review, this is a woman's energy drink, so my family was having a hoot laughing at me. (but they all have colds so HA HA Fuck You family!). The can is very girl-y. Though only a real man can drink pink, and I am a real man so... this is a no-brainer. The can design does a good job working with the color... 3.7/5

TASTE: The smell is weird. Its smells like the typical energy drink flavor. But the taste is very different than most drinks. It has a light cinnamon flavor right upfront, and not really spicy. But, than the sugar subs ruin it. If it had sugar or a little more cinnamon, it could of worked better. Though Rip It is known for its weird flavor, and this one has a weird flavor, it just doesn't work... 3.3/5

KICK: Though Rip It usually provides a awesome kick to go along with the flavor, this Rip It really didn't provide an awesome kick, just an okay kick. It wasn't right on par with the other Rip It Chic, which is weird...3.1/5

FINAL WORD: While the flavor had potential, it just fell short. If the flavor was in the main Rip It line-up maybe the flavor would work. But not with out sugar. But if your a girl into energy drinks(would you like to go out with me), you might like this drink. But I'd just stick with the other Rip Its... 3.3/5


Anonymous said...

Check out the New Whupass Energy Drink at http://www.whupassnation.com

Caffeine King said...

Interesting drink that you've brought to my attention mr. anonymous... I'll keep my eye's peeled for it... unless you what to be super special awesome and send me one! For Free!

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