FIRST IMPRESSION: Hype MFP went for the simple and clean look and for the most part they succeeded. There's not much text and the design isn't distracting. The can might be clean, but it still has its problems. First off, unless you read it online you would have no idea "MFP" stands for(Most Full Power). Second, the can is just boring. While I applaud Hype MFP for keeping the text down, the overall appearance is just is too bleak to gain any attention from the average drinker.
TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. To my surprise MFP is a Red Bull clone. The flavour starts out a clean bubble gum taste that quickly turns into a mildly bitter vanilla. Once the vanilla does its job a smooth gummy flavour becomes noticeable and finishes of the experience. The bitterness isn't too strong but it lasts well into the aftertaste. Hype MFP is not very sweet and is relatively smooth. Overall, I'm disappointed with how unoriginal MFP's taste turned out. While it is by no means bad tasting, it is just been done before, and done better.
KICK: The full name to Hype MFP is Hype "Most Full Power," but that is far from what I got. For around two to three hours I received some decent energy and my alertness was raised briefly. This is thanks to the "potent" ingredient list: 100 calories, 100% of your daily intake of Vit. B3, fifty percent of your daily intake of Pantothenic Acid, 250% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, eighty percent of your daily intake of Vit. B12, Taurine and eighty mg of caffeine.
FINAL WORD: Overall I feel that Hype MFP is a below average energy drink. Nothing about MFP was good, more like mediocre. The can is boring, the taste was unoriginal and the kick was less than impressive. Now, if Hype MFP was released in a sixteen oz. can the kick would be better, but it would still be a disappointment. All in all, in a year when Hype MFP is at Big Lots for $.50 it might be worth a look, but since it currently retails for for $1.50 to $2.00, I have no other choice but to say avoid unless your interested in an overall unappealing disappointment of an energy drink...2.5/5
official site
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