While Dekavita C may not look familiar, it sure does taste familiar. It begins a melon and lemon hybrid that climaxes roughly. Its sweetness is light yet fairly syrupy, and often surfaces out from the previous apex. The sweetness adds a trim of thickness to the roughness, but it never becomes too difficult to sip casually. The fruit alloy is soft and tame, and slowly a secondary blend between lime and pear nestles beside. The latter braid is pallidly sweet and has a gentle sourness, and is weaker in overall strength. The two mixtures never fuse but they do engage in contact, and sometimes give the impression of an exchange of aspects and flavours. The experience ends with an echo of the earlier thickness and a bland organic taste, and while there was carbonation, it was faint and passive. Overall, I honestly thought Dekavita C was going to taste much like Red Bull, and although it's a positive surprise, that doesn't mean I really enjoyed it.
Each can contains: caffeine, vitamin C, several B vitamins, and royal jelly. I had energy lasting give or take two hours, and while there were no jitters, I didn't really feel all too energized. Overall, my opinion as to whether or not Dekavita C is a good energy drink is pointless because if you're able to read this review, it probably means that you wouldn't of known that this is an energy drink if you were to see it on your own.
official site
I am drinking it now in tokyo thanks
2022...so am I! Had to Google it before buying.
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